

  • Sounds pretty normal in my world! Just got to stop beating yourself up about it. If you hate the elliptical that much, try something else. Take those kids and turn on some music and dance yourself silly! You will be exercising and building great memories for them and for you! Remember, every second of everyday is a new one…
  • Bump for later.
  • Agreed, it is only good if you actually use it. We have one older but much like this one you are showing in our basement and it almost never gets used. I find just a bench and my free weights get used more and take up less room. I also have a treadmill and elliptical that I use more than the weight machine. Partly due to…
  • I don't have a smart phone but would not mind an app if it could scan it and tell me in BIGGER letters what is in it. I totally avoid all trans fats, hydrogenated, partially hydrogenated and now they are using intenserfied (sp) items and most of the time the labels are printed so tiny I can't read them! Getting older sucks…
  • I really like the book "Sculpting her body perfect" by Brad Schoenfeld. He breaks down your exercise in easy steps, shows good pictures for proper form. Samples of routines, how to do them with or without the gym and is very no nonsense information. I have the first addition and love it. I am a little old fashion and like…
  • Don't know why it did this over night and a second opinion is always a good idea, but my knees swelled up years ago and they told me my knee was misaligned and someday I would need surgery. After years of swelling and pain I saw something about hydrogenated foods can cause inflammation and so just for the fun of it, I…
  • Hate it when it double posts!! :tongue:
  • Give Hearts at Home, in Bloomington, IL a try for some tips on motivating your children. Jill Savage is FULL of great info and the organization is a wonderful group of ladies! :happy:
  • I am new to this, and by no means an expert, but after looking over your food info. you may want to try increasing you water intake and your fiber a bit. You seem to do well on your sugars, but you could swap it out for SILK, unsweetened almond milk, or one of those. The unsweetened one has NO sugars in it and you could…
  • Don't know how tall you are, but that first picture looks a lot like how I look right now! Just starting out and hoping I too can get to 150 or under. You not only look skinnier, but you look healthier and younger! Thanks for posting this and hope your motivation comes back full force!! :smile:
  • We tend to eat out at a lot of mom and pop places as well as bars, since we are usually on our motorcycle when we eat out. I have a few favorite items found in most places and just stick with them. Not as exciting as trying new things but works for me. If you know ahead of time you can always google them and see if they do…
  • I have had one for years, and try to keep good posture on it, not lean forward while hanging on to the handles ect. I do try to lean back into it a little just to make sure my knees don't go out over my toes when I am moving. You can use mostly your legs, keeping your upper body from bouncing up and down and that is how I…
  • Wake up, you are dreaming! LOL
  • Yep, the best thing I found was to put your foot in a big bucket of ice water, twice an evening for at least 15/20 minutes. Also you can get a brace to wear at night to keep your foot from being extended. I tried just ice packs and such but the soaking of the entire foot seemed so help the most. Mine has been acting up for…