Inflamed Plantar Fasciitis

Looks like I've got an inflamed Plantar Fasciitis (again). Had trouble with it last year when I bumped my running distances from 10k to half marathon distance. I've been doing trial running lately (with trail trainers) but I think the uneven surfaces might have caused it this time.

I've been massaging it the last 48 hours and putting on ibuprofen gel/deep freeze spray.

Any tips on what else I can do to help it along, or is it just a case of staying off it for a bit?


  • SarahCW1979
    SarahCW1979 Posts: 572 Member
    Have you tried freezing golf balls and then rolling them under your foot? Works like a charm on mine. Feel better soon x x

    I C&P'd this here just in case you didnt see it on your wall :smile:
  • chanixxx
    Looks like I've got an inflamed Plantar Fasciitis (again). Had trouble with it last year when I bumped my running distances from 10k to half marathon distance. I've been doing trial running lately (with trail trainers) but I think the uneven surfaces might have caused it this time.

    I've been massaging it the last 48 hours and putting on ibuprofen gel/deep freeze spray.

    Any tips on what else I can do to help it along, or is it just a case of staying off it for a bit?
    Oh poor thing I get that from work! OUCH!! I dit flat and flex my legs and pull my toes toward me, but I also got z-coil shoes (ugliest things EVER) and within a week the pain was gone! I hear that crocs (alos butt-ugly) work too, and cos way less.
  • Hendrix7
    Hendrix7 Posts: 1,903 Member
  • cwelch2677
    cwelch2677 Posts: 69 Member
    I googled how to tape my foot for plantar fasciitis when I run and also bought some Altras. That has helped me :) I also try to keep an anti-inflamatory in me round the clock when it really acts up
  • ukgirly01
    ukgirly01 Posts: 523 Member
    Roll it out with a hokey ball and then foam roll rest of legs hurts but is v beneficial
  • amunet07
    amunet07 Posts: 1,245 Member
    I'm with the idea of recoil shoes. Reasoning...I have it but am not a runner...never had it when I was thinner but with my added weight even walking 5ks caused me to have it...As a fit runner impact is the culpret for you. Reduce that impact that makes it over stretch.

    If you do figure it out please message me because I took the summer off trying to get mine better...missed almost the whole thing and refuse to miss anymore.
  • acpgee
    acpgee Posts: 7,720 Member
    Keeping calf muscles stretched really helps. Put the edge of a cutting board on a thick book, and stand on it with your toes raised for several minutes a few times a day.
  • Lipstickcherry
    Lipstickcherry Posts: 122 Member
    This is your place for information on PF:

    note: I used to hang out there in 2002 or so. My problem was so bad, I couldn't stand in line at the groceries. My problem is better but I am still unable to stand for an hour like at a booth for an event in sales (which is horribly embarrassing for me). Weight loss will help mine but not cure me. I have done everything outside of surgery and probably will never go that route.

    Sounds like the yours (the opening poster) is in beginning stages. I beg you to let it heal, stay off it if is hurting you. The tissue needs a chance to heal. I stayed off my feet for 1 year in 2003 and that is what really helped me get better the most outside of all I did (long story).
  • fionat29
    fionat29 Posts: 717 Member
    When I suffered with this I went to a specialist running/hiking shop and bought myself an expensive pair of asics trainers. I was gob smacked! The guys looked at my feet and how they were when I was squatting and running on the spot. They brought out these asics and I put them on and the pain was gone!! Just like that!! Literally!! I could have cried at the relief and I would have paid anything for them.
    So I would say, try some decent shoes.............
  • tbear60
    Yep, the best thing I found was to put your foot in a big bucket of ice water, twice an evening for at least 15/20 minutes. Also you can get a brace to wear at night to keep your foot from being extended. I tried just ice packs and such but the soaking of the entire foot seemed so help the most. Mine has been acting up for about two years now and I have already done two rounds of steroids as 4 advil three times a day, per the doc. Only after I did the icing each night for a few weeks, and the night splint has it really gotten better. Good Luck on getting it all better. Oh, also make sure you are wearing the right type of shoes and renew them every so many miles. A really GOOD shoe store that specializes in tennis shoes should be able to help you on that part.
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    When I had it my doc said no running. Low impact workouts fine.
  • km202
    km202 Posts: 112
    Also, make sure you have really good arch supports in all of your shoes.
  • scottpwilliams
    Thanks for all the tips guys. Gonna be soaking it in some ice water tonight. No pain this evening, so gonna keep off it for a few days!
    When I suffered with this I went to a specialist running/hiking shop and bought myself an expensive pair of asics trainers. I was gob smacked! The guys looked at my feet and how they were when I was squatting and running on the spot. They brought out these asics and I put them on and the pain was gone!! Just like that!! Literally!! I could have cried at the relief and I would have paid anything for them.
    So I would say, try some decent shoes.............

    I have a pair of asics for my road running and they've been great. I use Nike Red Rocks for my trail running, but I dont think these are the problem, as they've never given me probs before. Im putting it down to "just one of those things that happens" maybe lifes way of saying "stay at home and have a pizza tonight!"
  • TorontoDiane
    TorontoDiane Posts: 1,413 Member
    I have that in both my heels and last year I only had it on the left foot and also a bone spur too ... was in agony... went to a foot specialist who suggested laser therapy and it was expensive but he told me.. sometimes it takes a long time to go away and sometimes it disappears relatively quickly... well it took nearly a year and really amazing sketcher walking shoes with 3 inch pads lol ... but it did help... now my right one hurts me too... so I realize its time and just taking it easy... it needs to heal and you need to give yourself downtime in order for that to happen ... bring the swelling down