joyfuljoy65 Member


  • Starting weight - 234lbs Current weight - 195lbs January goal - 5lbs Ultimate goal - 170lbs I want to lose 14lbs by May as its my eldest son's wedding.....
  • Blimey - 175lbs and losing 40lbs - I just want to get back there.......... its spot on BMI for me at 5' 8.5"
  • Yep - feel fatter at goal + 14lbs than I ever did at goal + 70lbs. Go figure!
  • Fabulous! :)
    in New pic Comment by joyfuljoy65 May 2015
  • What a great idea - I am going to try that - maintenance has been really hard and due to gallbladder issues (so eating carbs more than I should) I have put on a stone. After the op in a couple of weeks to get rid of the blighter I have been looking at how to get back into the swing of things - this sounds like a plan B)
  • What a great idea - I am going to try that - maintenance has been really hard and due to gallbladder issues (so eating carbs more than I should) I have put on a stone. After the op in a couple of weeks to get rid of the blighter I have been looking at how to get back into the swing of things - this sounds like a plan B)
  • So relate to this -thank you!
  • At 5'11" you are actually at a healthy BMI...... so even if you feel you look bad, you are at least in the healthy range.
  • I sympathise - I am probably older (in fact most likely) and also just been diagnosed the same. I was told to become a yoga fanatic and to lose another stone. So of course I have not done either - just felt sorry for myself. I was also told not to swim unless I did it 'properly' as if you swim with your head out of the…
  • Hi - I am going to be 50 in four months - eek! - I also have had some health issues, including having my gallbladder out in a few weeks and other ailments. I cannot put the weight back on, it is not happening and am striving to keep it off. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
  • Fabulous - its a great feeling isn't it! They will be too baggy before you know it!
  • Hi - 49 (nearly 50!) year old mum to three sons in their 20's. I have lost +60 lbs with MFP and am struggling a little at the minute with maintenance as I have gallbladder problems - its coming out in a few weeks - and also have a few other ailments. But I have to say that using MFP has been the best way of losing weight…
  • Fabulous!
  • I have a desk job and on a day without a meeting I usually make 7000 steps... of course I always intend to do more when I get home but by then I am usually shattered so its not often I break the 10,000 - but it has been known! And it feels great! Some weekends when out for a stroll somewhere nice I have done nearly 20,000…
  • Mine are too.... and I do plan to keep on logging as it is not a burden. I just wondered if it would seem to be obsessive. Thank you to all the positive responders and congrats on all your successes too :D
  • you know you don't put 3kg of fat on it a couple of days - honest you do know it somewhere in your logic head, but your irrational head says "OMG I put half my weight back on"..... you haven't. Its a mixture of water retention, salt intake and stress as well as a few ounces of extra weight. Take a deep breath, keep going…
  • Fabulous!! Woo Hoo :smiley:
  • Hi - from Derbyshire :) 10 years ago I was 19 and a half stone, got to 16 stone 10 over the next 7 years and then found MFP and am now about 12 stone 7lbs (on maintenance so go up and down 5 lbs). MFP does work if you are honest about what you eat and log it, also weigh everything - it makes a real difference especially…
  • It is hard, especially on days when I have meetings for a few hours. I try to go for a walk 'round the block' every couple of hours at least (500 steps) but some days its just not possible. On those days I try and isometric exercises either at my desk or in the meetings and hope no one notices my 'restless legs'!!
  • congrats on your decision lose the weight - I lost nearly 5 stone and it only took me 18 mths. I say only as it took me years to put it on......... I would advise taking a photo of yourself today, even if you don't want to look at it. Then as you lose weight keep an item of clothing that fits you today. The journey to lose…
  • I watched it and shouted atthe telly so much... The kebebs, the bolognaise, the poor carer cleaning them, the attitude of the young scottish girl "its not my fault". I could go on - I was nearly 20 stone 10 years ago (one of my photos) and I worked damn hard at my job! It never occured to me I was 'sick'........
  • I also am a lot colder now I have lost weight - but seeing that I am due for hot flushes soon, thats maybe not a bad thing...... ;) I also am now comfortable in my office whereas before I was always too hot, so no longer have to sit there in as little clothing as I could bear to wear (taking off that cardigan was always…
  • yep - goal was to maintain after being here since Aug 12 and losing 65lb. Not been as successful as I hoped - put about 5lb back on over the year :neutral_face: but goal for 2015 is to lose them and continue maintenance - logged in for 830 days straight and aiming for 1000+
  • Every day after waking up etc; I am a data nerd so have a spreadsheet (oh yeah!) where I work out my average for the week and post on a Sunday. I have only been doing this while maintaining though, as I just need to be sure the fluctuations are evening out and my maintenance calories are OK. So far a 0.11lb increase over 3…
  • I am also a carb queen who has lost weight by keeping those "evil" carbs in her new way of eating by that lovely word MODERATION. There is no point 'dieting with low carbs' for a few months and then eating 'properly' and piling all your hard earned weight loss back on. This is a life style change so make it one you can…
  • my vivofit has not been syncing either - maybe an update issue?