Anyone else really cold?



  • Juvenica
    Juvenica Posts: 460 Member
    I'm always cold , I'm used to it, don't even notice it any more but to others I look and feel like a vampire :). what helped me is wool-y socks , like really thick ones and leg-warmers , apparently when I have cold feet ( literal meaning) the rest of my body is freezing. I've also been overweight for a long time , so don't think body fat has anything to do with it. other than that - completely healthy ( did all the testing - suspected for anemia, but no nothing) , just naturally cold . Don't worry so much about it , but take really good care of your feet.
  • did anyone say thyroid? jk ;)
  • fiveminutes
    fiveminutes Posts: 30 Member
    Alassonde wrote: »
    Been cold my whole life. My co-workers always joke that the air conditioning must be broken if I've had to take off my 2nd sweater. I'm sitting in my office right now with long underwear and a sweater on, with a space heater pointed right at my feet. I've had all the tests done, general consensus is it's just normal for me.

    That's what is probably going on with me as well. I've found since of lost about 60lbs, I'm constantly cold (though I was always kind of cold natured). If I take my jacket off, my coworkers look at me funny. My PCP thought it might be my thyroid, so she ran a complete blood panel on me, and my thyroid actually dropped 2 points! Went from 3.9 to 1.16, and all other tests came back normal so she's referring me to an endo just to be on the safe side (I've started exhibiting other symptoms of hypo, so that's probably why I get an all expenses paid trip to the endo!)
  • spookyface
    spookyface Posts: 420 Member
  • _Waffle_ wrote: »
    Smaller people (Generally women) are more sensitive to temperature changes. Bundle up more and stay away from drafty areas of your house.


    One of those side effects of massive weight loss no one seem to mention. I am LITERALLY freezing ALL the time.
  • joyfuljoy65
    joyfuljoy65 Posts: 317 Member
    I also am a lot colder now I have lost weight - but seeing that I am due for hot flushes soon, thats maybe not a bad thing...... ;) I also am now comfortable in my office whereas before I was always too hot, so no longer have to sit there in as little clothing as I could bear to wear (taking off that cardigan was always traumatic as it hid the flab - well I thought it did!). The drawback is the cold hands and feet, but I have invested in some lovely gloves and bed socks :)
  • SkepticalOwl
    SkepticalOwl Posts: 223 Member
    Aust1967 wrote: »
    I have lost 50 lbs. over the past year and a half - and now I am freezing all the time (not just my hands and feet, but my entire body). This is brand new - I don't have a history of being cold at all. I went to the doctor today just to make sure it isn't due to a thyroid issue and/or low iron. He thinks that the coldness might be related to another issue I have been experiencing - my lips and eyes have started swelling overnight (in the morning it looks like I got collagen injections in my sleep) - and, I have been having night sweats (which I chalked up to peri-menopause so wasn't concerned about). They drew blood and he's going to have lots of tests run to see what is going on. I might not hear until next week - I'm anxious to see what the verdict is.

    Please post what your doc says if they figure it out. I've been having the same -- night sweats, puffy eyes When I get up in the morning, and being cold all the time.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    I'm always cold, now just a little more so.
  • paradi3s
    paradi3s Posts: 343 Member
    Comparing myself last year at 170 to me today, I can say that I don't easily sweat or feel as hot as before. Even if I live in a tropical country, I'm cold 70% of the time, and this is without an air conditioner hahaha
  • Tracey_B_72
    Tracey_B_72 Posts: 1,021 Member
    Since I've lost weight I'm always cold.
  • sweetdixie92
    sweetdixie92 Posts: 655 Member
    I tend to be a little on the cooler side in general...but I get hot super easy too. I'll be working outside (barn work) in the 20s and 30s with just a long sleeve T-shirt on and gloves. My feet and hands do get very cold, so I just have to invest in really good winter gear! Hats help also!
  • SbetaK
    SbetaK Posts: 391 Member
    I am freezing cold too, but EXERCISE helps warm me up! Haven't seen anyone mention this yet. Moving helps get circulation going. Also, my home is quite drafty, so moving to a different area of my home really helps. Sitting here at my computer is the worst, draftiest spot, so I use a couple of lap blankets.
  • ForecasterJason
    ForecasterJason Posts: 2,577 Member
    I tend to run cold as well, particularly in the winter. At anything less than 68-70° indoors I often need multiple layers of clothing or blankets to stay warm. I don't have much muscle or fat, so I highly suspect that is probably the primary reason in my case.
  • DanaHerro
    DanaHerro Posts: 186 Member
    It's very common for people who have lost a lot of weight. I have maintained for almost two years now but the first year was HORRIBLE. Seriously, I was freezing ALL. THE. TIME. I DO have thyroid disease, but I had it 70# ago and it's under control and has been the entire time through medication. Dr said that it's just my body NOT being used to being thin. She said after 2 years most people start to level out. It IS better than last year - but I would say only about 30-40% better. I'm still cold when everyone else is comfortable.

    I also have developed Raynaud's Phenomenon. My hands and feet turn completely white and I lose all feeling in them. It happens randomly throughout the day when the temps here are 30 degrees or below but it ALWAYS happens after exercise, particularly longer runs (6+ miles) They go 100% white when I get in the shower and then the blood flow returns after about 10 minutes.

    Dr CANNOT pinpoint that - it's definitely primary Raynaud's. ANA tests came back negative for anything like MS or Lupus, but she doesn't think it's because of the weight loss. She thinks it's just I've always been prone and I'm at the age where it usually begins onset in women. I think it's the weight loss....Totally...!! IT SUCKS
  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    Yes - I am cold most of the time in recent months. I'll sometimes wear layers "in the house" as my wife is not cold. I have blood work done on a regular basis by cardiologist & rheumatologist - but I never thought to mention this specific complaint, as other issues were more in mind...but next visit I will --- so far lost 170 pounds.
  • Jenni129
    Jenni129 Posts: 692 Member
    Go for a quick walk or whatever to get your heart pumping. That's what I do when I feel chilled and it works.
  • Linnaea27
    Linnaea27 Posts: 639 Member
    well now i'm terrified that this soreness in my calf is a blood clot.....

    but i'm always cold as well. Mostly after I go on runs, but I hear that's common. I've only lost about 30 pounds so not a ton, but....I wonder how long it takes for your body to adjust....

    I have heard that doing bodyweight standing calf raises helps to prevent blood clots in one's legs, which apparently can be brought on by airplane travel in rare cases.

    OP, I am usually cold too. I spent 10 years of my life at a weight that was 5-10 lbs higher than what I'm at now (and I'm barely 5'1" so that was a fair amount of fat for my body size), and always used to be too hot. Summer was miserably hot and even in winter I was usually in a tank top when indoors.

    After getting down below 108 lbs last winter, I started noticing that I was FREEZING all the time. I've spent most of the last 7 months or so at about 103-105 lbs and was cold even during the summer-- it was a cooler than usual summer here, but still I never would have been wearing sweaters and fleeces for most of the summer in the past! I find that even when I eat at maintenance this winter I am cold (I'm at the higher end of my maintenance range and have been trying to get back to the lower end without a lot of success due to multiple family holidays).

    It's normal. . . I find that exercising helps, as well as drinking hot beverages. And I've resigned myself to wearing warm fuzzy layers a lot of the time, which is just a little frustrating because I would like to be able to show off my now-slim figure more!
  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    I am always cold and in good health. Under Armor is the only thing that works for me. I hardly ever actually break a sweat unless I am mowing on a hot day.
  • nxd10 wrote: »
    Time for my checkup next month, so I will ask. Thank you. My circulation IS lousy and always has been. And my thermometer is 68. But a thyroid and iron check wouldn't hurt.

    How's your fish oil intake?
  • FitPhillygirl
    FitPhillygirl Posts: 7,124 Member
    I'm cold a lot as well but I also have Hypothyroidism which is probably part of the problem. I'm thin too and some people think that is why I'm cold a lot of the time.