Can you visualize what life will be like after you've reached your goal?

Seigla Posts: 172 Member
edited June 2015 in Health and Weight Loss
Inspired by the feedback I've got from you in my last thread I have another set of questions for you:

Say you get to your goal weight; how will that change your life? What will you look like? How will your self image change? What will it feel like? How will your lifestyle change when you enter maintenance mode? What problems will you encounter? How will people respond? What new opportunities will you have?

I will answer later, first I'm curious about what you have to say! :)


  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I have reached goal...

    it didn't change my life,
    I look like a smaller version of me,
    self image didn't change,
    feels great (mainly due to lack of aches and pains)
    lifestyle didn't change once I hit maintenance...still logged accurately and consistently and exercising.
    No problems...
    people respond?...hmmm nothing really.
    New Ops...I quit smoking and started running.

    If anyone thinks losing weight will change these sure they do. If you aren't happy when you are bigger why would you be happier when you lose weight...????

    Not trying to be a downer but them's the facts.
  • badholland
    badholland Posts: 67 Member
    I feel like I know what it will be like because I've been there before. When I was at my goal (at the time I never thought of it as goal, that was just me - I'd never had any weight issues before) I was just more comfortable.

    Comfortable in my clothes, activities were easier to do. I never thought about what my belly looked like running or worried about my back fat - just silly things like that. I know it sounds superficial but that is the honest answer.

  • Seigla
    Seigla Posts: 172 Member
    edited June 2015
    SezxyStef wrote: »
    I have reached goal...

    it didn't change my life,
    I look like a smaller version of me,
    self image didn't change,
    feels great (mainly due to lack of aches and pains)
    lifestyle didn't change once I hit maintenance...still logged accurately and consistently and exercising.
    No problems...
    people respond?...hmmm nothing really.
    New Ops...I quit smoking and started running.

    If anyone thinks losing weight will change these sure they do. If you aren't happy when you are bigger why would you be happier when you lose weight...????

    Not trying to be a downer but them's the facts.

    I am not trying to imply that losing weight will have a direct effect on all of these things, or necessarily any effect at all. I expect it is different for different people. A lot of the difference is determined by what you believe.

    If someone believes that he/she is fat, the belief can be so deep that losing weight cannot cure this (leading to eating disorders). Another person that also believes he/she is fat may feel great after losing weight. A lot is determined by your subconscious beliefs about yourself and the world. That's what my question is about.

    But hey from what I read your results were good, glad you made it! Good luck with quitting smoking and running! :)
  • DemoraFairy
    DemoraFairy Posts: 1,806 Member
    edited June 2015
    I've been to my goal weight before, then gained a bit back and am losing it again. So, answering those questions from that point in my life:

    How will that change your life? I was more confident doing the cosplays I wanted to do, which is a pretty big part of my life, actually. Didn't change anything else outside of cosplay, though.

    What will you look like? A bit slimmer, I guess. I can't actually see any difference between myself now and the pictures I have of when I was my goal weight (about 15lbs lighter), but I know my measurements were smaller and I know that weight has to have gone somewhere!

    How will your self image change? I see myself pretty much the same now as I did then. But I also see myself the same now as I did when I was 55lbs heavier, so my self image doesn't seem to change much. If anything my self image has got worse - when I was overweight I didn't care how I looked. Then while losing weight I started to care more and notice that sort of thing more, and now that I don't look like what I want to look like I feel fat (or, at least, not slim), when before that sort of thing just didn't even enter into my life.

    What will it feel like? Physically, didn't feel any different. Mentally, I was more confident and more willing to do things I wasn't before (like have a bare midriff in public).

    How will your lifestyle change when you enter maintenance mode? I never really got to maintenance mode... I was still trying to lose, but ended up gaining when I couldn't count calories anymore. But I don't imagine it will be any different other than having a couple hundred more calories each day.

    What problems will you encounter? Problems?

    How will people respond? Ironically I got more fat comments at 114lbs than I ever did at 167lbs... but I also got a lot more positive comments, which is nice.

    What new opportunities will you have? Well, from 167lbs to 114lbs I was willing to cosplay characters I wasn't willing to do before (which is basically why I lost weight), but from my current weight (125lbs) to 114lbs it won't be much difference since I'm currently willing to cosplay those characters, though I'll be more confident and happier with how I look than I am now.
  • professionalHobbyist
    professionalHobbyist Posts: 1,316 Member
    I am super close to goal

    I pinch a half inch on my stomach

    Arms are almost 17".

    Resting heart rate is down around 60 with good blood pressure

    My visuals are internal and external

    And the biggest thing....

    I know why I eat what I eat. I know what foods do for me as fuel!

    So there is no reason to go back!

    Life is a bit more active. I do lots of things I watched others do.

    It had a huge impact on interactions with the opposite sex.

    100 pounds ago, I promise you, I never ever heard the words "you are hot".

    That is strange, new, and cool.

    Of course I factor in only seeing older women with known vision problems.

    If they are wearing coke bottle bottoms, then I'm in!!

    And have fun with this weight loss thing.

    It is hard work, and people want to fight about what diet works, but when you lose weight and get more heathy, celebrate that for itself!

  • LumberJacck
    LumberJacck Posts: 559 Member
    I (hopefully) won't be having reflux issues. I will snore less. I won't have breasts (male here). I probably won't wake up to a sore back in the morning. But the biggest of them all: I will feel satisfied about my weight.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,203 Member
    Seigla wrote: »
    Inspired by the feedback I've got from you in my last thread I have another set of questions for you:

    Say you get to your goal weight; how will that change your life? What will you look like? How will your self image change? What will it feel like? How will your lifestyle change when you enter maintenance mode? What problems will you encounter? How will people respond? What new opportunities will you have?

    I will answer later, first I'm curious about what you have to say! :)

    Can you visualize what it what life will be like after you've reached your goal?


    1) I've spent most of my life at my ideal weight ... the last couple years have been a change from the norm as I gained a little bit.

    2) I've reached my first two weight goals, and am closing in on a third.

    I don't anticipate much in the way of changes, except that already I feel a bit faster and stronger on the bicycle. This past weekend I did a 100 km ride within a certain time limit, with a bit of time to spare and without really straining myself too much to make that time limit. That's good. That bodes well for the longer rides I want to do.

    Oh, and I've got a bit more variety in my wardrobe now ... I can wear a wider range of clothes.

    As for how people have responded ... not a word from anyone.

  • mamadon
    mamadon Posts: 1,422 Member
    SezxyStef wrote: »
    I have reached goal...

    it didn't change my life,
    I look like a smaller version of me,
    self image didn't change,
    feels great (mainly due to lack of aches and pains)
    lifestyle didn't change once I hit maintenance...still logged accurately and consistently and exercising.
    No problems...
    people respond?...hmmm nothing really.
    New Ops...I quit smoking and started running.

    If anyone thinks losing weight will change these sure they do. If you aren't happy when you are bigger why would you be happier when you lose weight...????

    Not trying to be a downer but them's the facts.

    For myself, it is very different.
    It did change my life
    My self image did change, I become more confident, and I feel more attractive.
    My lifestyle did not change from losing to maintanance, but has changed a great deal since I began losing. I am much more active.
    I was not happy when I was bigger, because I hated being fat, Being at a healthy weight makes me feel happy.
    I realize that we are all different, and I think your question was geared more towards those envisioning losing weight, not those of us that are already there, but Inhad to put my two cents in.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Seigla wrote: »
    SezxyStef wrote: »
    I have reached goal...

    it didn't change my life,
    I look like a smaller version of me,
    self image didn't change,
    feels great (mainly due to lack of aches and pains)
    lifestyle didn't change once I hit maintenance...still logged accurately and consistently and exercising.
    No problems...
    people respond?...hmmm nothing really.
    New Ops...I quit smoking and started running.

    If anyone thinks losing weight will change these sure they do. If you aren't happy when you are bigger why would you be happier when you lose weight...????

    Not trying to be a downer but them's the facts.

    I am not trying to imply that losing weight will have a direct effect on all of these things, or necessarily any effect at all. I expect it is different for different people. A lot of the difference is determined by what you believe.

    If someone believes that he/she is fat, the belief can be so deep that losing weight cannot cure this (leading to eating disorders). Another person that also believes he/she is fat may feel great after losing weight. A lot is determined by your subconscious beliefs about yourself and the world. That's what my question is about.

    But hey from what I read your results were good, glad you made it! Good luck with quitting smoking and running! :)

    I got that...and that's why I said "not trying to be a downer"...

    My thoughts are this...some times people feel that by losing weight it will fix doesn't. If you aren't happy with your life overweight you won't necessarily be happy with it as a thin person either.

    Self esteem can be tied to size but typically that is a symptom of self esteem issues...and losing weight doesn't fix that either...

    I just hope people read mine and don't think..."oh she is so negative..." it's not's realistic.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,203 Member
    badholland wrote: »
    I feel like I know what it will be like because I've been there before. When I was at my goal (at the time I never thought of it as goal, that was just me - I'd never had any weight issues before) I was just more comfortable.

    Comfortable in my clothes, activities were easier to do. I never thought about what my belly looked like running or worried about my back fat - just silly things like that. I know it sounds superficial but that is the honest answer.

    Yeah ... this ... ^^

    It's more comfortable now that I've lost the weight.

    One of the things I noticed when I gained weight ... one of the little triggers to start losing weight ... was that I was less comfortable sitting on the sofa. It's hard to describe but I kind of felt squished when I sat on soft surfaces, and started looking for hard chairs instead. After I'd dropped about 5 kg, that squished feeling went away.

  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    Seigla wrote: »
    Inspired by the feedback I've got from you in my last thread I have another set of questions for you:

    Say you get to your goal weight; how will that change your life? What will you look like? How will your self image change? What will it feel like? How will your lifestyle change when you enter maintenance mode? What problems will you encounter? How will people respond? What new opportunities will you have?

    I will answer later, first I'm curious about what you have to say! :)

    I am at my goal weight - in fact I'm 5lbs under

    It hasn't changed my life at all apart from ameliorating health issues like asthma and anxiety attacks - which is huge

    I look great

    I've always had a good self-image but it's better now

    It feels good to be fit and strong and beat my 14 year old at push-ups

    My lifestyle is exactly the same as when losing weight - I still log daily

    I had to replace my wardrobe - but not sure that was a problem

    People go a bit over the top about how amazing I look but that will die down

    Opportunities are not associated with weight
  • joyfuljoy65
    joyfuljoy65 Posts: 317 Member

    How will your self image change? I see myself pretty much the same now as I did then. But I also see myself the same now as I did when I was 55lbs heavier, so my self image doesn't seem to change much. If anything my self image has got worse - when I was overweight I didn't care how I looked. Then while losing weight I started to care more and notice that sort of thing more, and now that I don't look like what I want to look like I feel fat (or, at least, not slim), when before that sort of thing just didn't even enter into my life.

    Yep - feel fatter at goal + 14lbs than I ever did at goal + 70lbs. Go figure!
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,136 Member
    Only thing will change is I might be able to fit into a smaller clothing size. Weight loss doesn't change who I am or how I perceive myself.
  • Timorous_Beastie
    Timorous_Beastie Posts: 595 Member
    I've also been at my goal, then gained thanks to apathy, depression and injuries, and now I'm losing it again.

    I'm with DemoraFairy and Joyfuljoy65. I was content with how I looked before I lost weight. I thought, "I look pretty good for my age." And I did. There was nothing wrong with how I looked. But now, I look at my 'after' pictures from about 3 years ago, or how much faster I could run then, and I feel bad about where I am now. Which is stupid, because it really doesn't affect who I am if I'm xx pounds lighter, a clothing size or two smaller, can finish a race a little faster, or lift a little heavier.
  • crazyjerseygirl
    crazyjerseygirl Posts: 1,252 Member
    Seigla wrote: »
    Inspired by the feedback I've got from you in my last thread I have another set of questions for you:

    Say you get to your goal weight; how will that change your life? What will you look like? How will your self image change? What will it feel like? How will your lifestyle change when you enter maintenance mode? What problems will you encounter? How will people respond? What new opportunities will you have?

    I will answer later, first I'm curious about what you have to say! :)

    I'm not at goal, but I suspect my life will be quite similar. The change I'm hoping for is being instituted now, being a more active mom. I'm just hoping the periods of activity lengthen out!

    I don't know how I'll look, never been there, but I suspect I'll dress closer to how I like as I wouldn't be limited to plus sized stores.

    Self image, eh I've always considered myself pretty awesome, no reason to change that ;)

    Lifestyle change at maintence? Well it's changing now. I'll probably eat more! Haha!

    Problems? I'll worry about that tomorrow ;)

    Reactions? I dunno. It's been positive so far, I'm sure some will worry if I get quite average (I've always been overweight). But I'm sure it will wear off. I worry most about my husband, he's obese and loosing, but it hasn't clicked for him ya know? I worry that he will dislike me for the loss. He's very supportive now though, so maybe I worry for nothing!

    New opportunities? I suspect just being able to do more with my kid. Not worrying about weight restrictions, running out of energy etc. I'm a lab rat so my work isn't tied to my looks in any real way so I'm guessing nothing there!
  • jodsaccount
    jodsaccount Posts: 22 Member
    So I am going to go against the grain a little here. I did reach my original goal of 50 lbs and yes it did change things for me somewhat
    I felt empowered . I did something most people only talk about doing.
    Reactions? I stop listening when stupid neighbors who said things like " you are getting skinny"
    I am skinny. What are you all doing ?
    During the 50 lbs loss I posted a similar question. What difference will it really make?
    Problems? Clothes ..I had to buy all new clothes and I mean ALL.
    I would tell you it did. Losing weight was a hard gig.It took me almost a year to lose it bc I am over 40 but I am grateful I did it and grateful for the support I had and have walked away from the negative influences in my life. (BC they were bringing me down in everything I did--"you will never last at working out,its not in your nature) and while I have a new slightly lower goal now its only a few pounds. Vanity pounds.
    Maintenance? Well for a couple of months while my body settled from the loss I sat at the same weight. I changed the way I ate to lose and I didn't go back on that.I got healthy. I am proud that I eat as well as I do now and don't fill my body with junk.
    So,yes, it changed me.
  • TimothyFish
    TimothyFish Posts: 4,925 Member
    I find that I am less out of breath when I climb stairs than I was before. I don't have to buy "relax fit" jeans anymore. I don't dread washing my jeans because the legs will shrink down to where they are too tight again. I can put on a cycling jersey without looking like an overstuffed sausage.

    Maintenance for me will end up being eating meals that have about the same calorie count and stepping on the scale once a week, so I can see what adjustments are needed.
  • DeguelloTex
    DeguelloTex Posts: 6,652 Member
    About the only change will be I'll eat a more reasonable amount. More reasonable than before I started and more reasonable than while I was losing. Well, and some new clothes.

    I still won't be able to go shirtless; I have too many scars.
    I still won't be able to buy much of my clothes in regular stores; I'm too tall for that.
    I still won't be able to fit very well in airplane seats; legroom was always the problem, not width.

    People will still stare at me. People will still ask where I played basketball.

    I guess I might live longer, but maybe not, and it's not like I'll ever know, anyway. I never defined myself in terms of my weight, or lack thereof, so that won't change. I'll still be me, with the same worries, concerns, bills, family, etc., there will just be less of me and my proportions will be different.
  • crazyjerseygirl
    crazyjerseygirl Posts: 1,252 Member
    About the only change will be I'll eat a more reasonable amount. More reasonable than before I started and more reasonable than while I was losing. Well, and some new clothes.

    I still won't be able to go shirtless; I have too many scars.
    I still won't be able to buy much of my clothes in regular stores; I'm too tall for that.
    I still won't be able to fit very well in airplane seats; legroom was always the problem, not width.

    People will still stare at me. People will still ask where I played basketball.

    I guess I might live longer, but maybe not, and it's not like I'll ever know, anyway. I never defined myself in terms of my weight, or lack thereof, so that won't change. I'll still be me, with the same worries, concerns, bills, family, etc., there will just be less of me and my proportions will be different.

    Ahem, some...some ladies might not mind this... :*