

  • When I run, I run down the street, and I've had people stop and ask if I'm okay. It's like a happy-sad cry. You're happy that your making such an effort, but you're sad that you have to. Just let 'em flow (as long as you're not in complete hysterics).
  • Even though they are out of business, the Better Business Bureau should have info on them. Best of luck!! :-)
  • WOW... that would have resulted in a slap across the face, and I'm not usually a hitter. First of all, that IS abuse, and from the sound of it, this is probably not the first time something like this has been said. While I don't agree with flippantly giving up on a marriage like a Kardashian, please be sure that this does…
  • Definitely the creeper. It's uncomfortable to see someone not working out who is just staring at everyone who is...
  • I had the exact thing happen after I had my daughter over a year ago. Five months after she was born, I started having severe anxiety attacks and once went for three days without eating or drinking anything. After I went on some medication, things evened out. As for a debate, there really isn't one. If you were diabetic,…
  • I don't diet, I just pay closer attention to what/how much I eat. I can't diet. I've never been able to stick to one. Ergo, I can't "cheat" per se; I may have days that I don't watch as closely. In my opinion, a diet implies that you are depriving yourself of something. I don't do well when I try to cut something out, so I…
  • Shake it off and always remember: Six months from now, you will have lost weight. They will still be creeps with no class. You are ahead of the game!!
  • Surprisingly, I have converted from this belief. Well, I never ACTUALLY believed that running was bad for your boobs, but it did really hurt my back (I've always been a rather busty lass). My husband, who ran cross country for about 9 years, told me to start wearing a tighter bra. That didn't work - it just made it harder…
  • I used to be able to see my stomach under my chest without bending over... now I can't do that! Tying my shoes is also easier!
  • When I first started working out again back in June/July, I made a goal to do SOMETHING physical at least five days a week. Now there is rarely a day when I don't. It becomes a habit, and it's nice to use the time I spend running, walking, or riding my bike to think. I have designated that as ME time - time when I'm not a…
  • When I first started running in June, people would slow down their cars and ask, "Oh, sweetie, do you need a ride?" THAT hurt, and they were just trying to be nice! Keep doing what you're doing. Yes, people are rude and say terrible things (I work with teenagers, trust me: I see it all the time), but don't get down on…
  • In June, I weighed around 225 (I'm 5'4), and I started jogging. I started going a half of a mile at a time until I could do it comfortably, consistently. It was absolutely MISERABLE. Everything hurt - back, knees, hips, ankles, shins, lungs - and I often thought of stopping. I just kept telling myself that it would get…
  • I know what you mean, I still have some things to think over before I make my decision. and when we almost broke up the other night I asked him if I was fired and he said that he wouldn't fire me but cut back my shifts, because the only reason he was giving me so much work was because we were partners. I just said ok,…
  • I have another 59 to go... I'll be your friend!
  • I'm so embarrassed by how I look I don't go back to my home town. I haven't had a picture of just me taken in over a year. I haven't had a picture of me taken with my husband in just as long. Food used to be my best friend. I completely ate my feelings. This summer, I got up to 225 pounds (I'm only about 5'4). I used to…