sgcadola Member


  • Don't skip meals!! Try eating 5-6 small meals a day. Mix up your workouts as well. Try doing some HIIT for about 20-30 a day as well. Cardio will only get you so far. I am 5'2" and I started out weighing 136lbs. In 8 weeks I've lost 12lbs. I mix doing Insanity, 30DS and gym. For us shorter girls I feel like weight training…
  • Are you able to finish a set? How often are you going up in your weight? You can really only be the judge of how much you can lift. Test yourself out. Play around with different weights. If you can get to 12 with no problem then you're not lifting heavy enough. If you go to failure around reps 8-12 then you're in the right…
  • Thank you! I will look at that one this weekend! I weigh myself daily too. Bad habit, but I like to see my progress :)
  • I weighed in @ 122.8. Not sure if that was correct or not because my scale keeps messing up. I'm getting new one this weekend. It'll tell me 127 then it'll zero out and I'll step on it again and it'll say 123. LOL I wanna believe the lower number, but who knows. If the number was correct that would mean I lost about .08…
  • I had to start over due to back injury, but I'm currently in week 1 as well. Let's do this! @PhoenixRising I plan my meals out for the week. I get a big bag of frozen chicken and veggies cook everything and put it into containers for the week. I get my suppliments at GNC the beggining of the month because I get 10% off…
  • I'm in! I'm 5'2'' and weight 127. I would like to get below 120 by the end of April! Let's get this done ladies!!! :heart:
  • Ok that is what I thought, but just needed a little reassurance! I don't usually go in the negative by too much, but seeing that red always made me wonder if I was doing something wrong.
  • That's amazing! Congrats!
  • Just keep pushing yourself. Big thing for me has been to pre-plan all my meals. I know it takes time, but it's truly SO important to have your meals ready. I'm usually not super hungry in the morning, so instead of skipping it all together I make a jam packed smoothie full of veggies, protein and fruit. It keeps my full…
  • Thanks all! I will have to get my butt in the kitchen and start cooking away!
  • Pre-Planning all your meals for the day. making sure to make lots of fresh veggies and lean protein. As well as drinking LOTS & LOTS of water with fresh lemon and green tea!
  • Me too. I feel like I've tried everything, and I'm finally seeing results. Girls we need support and cannot do this alone!
  • My general rule is: It takes 4 weeks for you to notice a difference, 8 weeks for your friends and 12 weeks for the rest of the world. I lost 5 lbs in 4 weeks no one noticed.. Then at the end of my 8th week I lost another 5 and people began to notice.. It's hard when they see you everyday. But for people who haven't seen…
  • Grew up in Oregon, now it's LAS VEGAS baby!!!
  • 8.5 lovely smile and beautiful eyes!! =)
  • Day 2 on your rest day is going to be painful. Your body is recovering and your muscles are not used to the work. The soreness is a GOOD thing! Try taking warm bath and let your muscles soak or get some icy hot. Drink LOTS LOTS LOTS of water this will help with recovery. Also stretch more. I found that the cool down…
  • Just stick with it, and don't give up!!! Make sure to take a day of rest. I like to rest of Sundays. Sundays I'll clean house and take my dog for a nice long walk. That way it gives my body time to recoup and recover. I just completed day 7 of level 1. I feel amazing and have better energy levels. Good luck on your…
  • Yes you need to give your body rest!! I follow Jamie Eason's LiveFit 12 week program & Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred. I incorporate the 2. The 30 Day Shred is a great warm up to the strength training. I just make sure to take 1 day off from the 30DS, but if I'm too sore I take 2 days. Your body will tell you when it's…
  • Hey all!! I'm in the same boat.. I'm 5'2'' and weigh 127.. My ideal weight is 115 but I'll settle to get under 120 again. I've tried Insanity, but didn't care for the workouts. I'mnow doing Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred, on day 3, and so far I love it. I have been using MFP for over month and need the motivation to keep on…
  • Have you done Insanity?? I don't mind Jumping Jacks and that sort of thing but ShaunT's workout the entire 45 minutes you are jumping in one way or another. I watched Level 1 of the 30DS and I liked what I saw.
  • Ok all, so the gist of what I am getting is that I'm not eating enough. :) Funny how when you start to change your eating habits you automatically want to stop eating all together because you think that's the issue. I don't feel like what I am doing is a diet. This is a lifestyle change and that's how I want to keep it!…
  • I don't think eating ice cream is the answer ;) but thank you.
  • I'm not afraid of eating healthy foods. It's hard to eat when you're not hungry. If I try to push myself to eat I feel very sick to my stomach.
  • I am 5'2'' and weigh 127lbs. I want to get back down to the 115 range. I have been going to the gym and eating the right foods but nothing is happening. I am beginning to get so frustrated with it all.
  • Thank you for the advice. I am finding it hard to maintain an appeitite. I know I'm supposed to eat 5 small meals a day, but finding the right foods to eat is what I have the most difficult time with, and exactly what I should be eating. I don't eat a lot of sugar, dairy, or breads.. So some help would be awesome.. Thank…