JM- 30 Day Shred.. Thoughts?

I just ordered Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred along with the mat and weights. Has anyone tried this before, and if so what do you think??? I have Insanity, but I don't enjoy the workouts that much. To put it lightly I hate jumping around. =) I know that if I don't enjoy the workouts I'm not going to keep doing it. I wanted to try her 30 Day Shred before I went with the Total Body Revolution. Any thoughts on if you liked it or didn't.....


  • MizzMalibu
    MizzMalibu Posts: 14 Member
    I have it and I like it. I haven't done the full 30 days but I did about 20 days and lost 5 lbs. Just doing the Shred, no change to my diet. FYI there is a fair amount of jumping around.
  • sgcadola
    sgcadola Posts: 35 Member
    Have you done Insanity?? I don't mind Jumping Jacks and that sort of thing but ShaunT's workout the entire 45 minutes you are jumping in one way or another. I watched Level 1 of the 30DS and I liked what I saw.
  • ggcat
    ggcat Posts: 313 Member
    I liked it! I just watched the videos off of Youtube for free :tongue:

    There is some jumping, but it's all in circuits, so it's a nice change between them!

    Good luck!