dga1972 Member


  • Welcome to MFP! I NEED friends too! Out of the 6 friends I do have, only about 2 log in each day! Sending a req.!:smile:
  • Do you ever watch The Biggest Looser! They make them run weighing in at well over 300#'s. If they can do it, you can do it!
  • Thanks
  • I wouldnt carb load the night before, it will leave you feeling bloated, especially if you drink alot of water with it. I made that mistake on my first 5k. Instead consistently throughout the day before, eat small portions of complex carbs several times that day, along with healthy fats and protein. I basically saying,…
  • I'd chose fruit or a quick b'fast hot cereal and add fruit to it. I like the Kashi cereal (honey & cinnamon) add water and microwave for 90 sec add some fruit to it. My snack of choice is a granola thin with some milk or even a banana- great for on the go!
  • Narey, You are beautiful! Wow, the difference in the pics are amazing. Keep it up girl and continue to be an inspiration to me!
  • I started running 10 weeks ago. I have seen 4 inches total go from my waist and hips and I have lost 8 pounds total. My BMI is within a healthy range so I dont have much to loose, but I really like the inches coming off. Keep it up. If you have a iphone download an app that can help you keep track of your runs. Nike + GPS…
    in Runners! Comment by dga1972 August 2011
  • Be glad the day is almost over and start again tomorrow! When everyone else around you is eating all that junk, tell yourself it's junk and that your body DESERVES better! Also, ask yourself "If what I am about to eat or do will help or hinder me in achieving my goal?" It helps me!
  • There is an app out called 'Restaurants' if you have an iphone or ipod you can download it and it has alot of restaurants nutrional info available! I use it and it helps me to make better choices when eating out. Hope this helps you out!
  • Thank you so much for sharing! I was looking for something with healthy, low cal recipes and this is a winner for me.
  • From what I have heard, you can do abs everyday and if I am not mistaken, it may be the only muscle group that you can.
  • I think its what you put IN the coffee that matters. I still have my 2 cups/day, but I only put 1/2 &1/2 in mine, still makes it a low cal/low sugar drink compared to most coffee or specialty drinks.
  • I like the Yoplait Delights chocolate raspberry. Its pudding and yogurt and only 100 calories. Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter