

  • You had me until I read the sodium!
  • Welcome, abbyleanne. I just started about two weeks ago here. I come to the site a few times a day to read and sometimes respond. I find it's keeping me motivated and focused. Try to find a diet buddy. I got lucky and found one the first day. It helps sooo much to do this *with* someone. Good luck!
  • I'm 11 lbs into a 130 loss. This is a VERY motivating thread to me! I feel an improvement already, in part to exercising. My legs have gotten really weak, in addition to developing 2 herniated discs in my neck from working at the computer). I have bad knees (no surprise). So, since I started a week and a half ago, I've…
  • I pretty much eat healthy -- avoiding butter, oils, salts, white flours and starches. You'd think I'd be thin. My issue -- finding my "off" button. I can be an eating machine. Having leftovers in the house of something I like is *pure torture*. It's a battle I often lose. I can' t just put it out of my mind and be content…
  • Definitely take "something" to help get things moving along. Straining is REALLY bad for your back and neck.
  • WAY TO GO :smile: Funny...I am always on top of my *dogs'* weights (two of them) because I love them so much. I guess I need to love myself, too.
  • It is always SOOOO great and motivating to hear about folks who are achieving their goals. Thanks for sharing!! :smile:
  • Even the "less sodiums" are about 20% per ONE CUP serving. Darn it.
  • I've been seeing some Progresso commercial lately. They're partnering with Weight Watchers. They have some very low and zero "point" soups. I've even thought of doing a "soup" diet or partial soup diet. But here's the issue: SODIUM. Of course it's fine to have a cup of soup a day, but that alone is in vicinity of 1/3 or…
  • It's not just about low cal but about what *kind* of calories you're eating. You need to find out--whether you use a doctor or trial and error--how your body process different food types. For me, even complex carbs from grains slow down weight loss. I have to totally stick to veggies and meats to lose weight. No grains at…
  • Anyone else doing Medifast? I lost weight more rapidly on the Medifast program than anything else. Then I partied for the past 2 years and gained it all back. My fault--not theirs. I'm back on it again. I'm doing only chocolate shakes, plus my 1 a day "lean and green." Would love to chat with others on Medifast. Thanks.
  • I've got so much weight to lose, it feels daunting--a bit more than half my weight. I'm depressed and beating myself up that I've gained it all back--again--after having lost substantial amounts TWICE in the past 7 years. I am HATING how I feel both physically and emotionally. I started again today, but there are difficult…
  • Same much weight to lose, it feels daunting. I've yo-yoed a bunch the past few years, and I'm depressed and beating myself up that I've gained it all back--again. I am HATING how I feel both physically and emotionally. I started again today, but there are difficult situations ALL the time. Tomorrow's my partner's…
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