100+ Pounds

GodzGirl Posts: 86
edited September 18 in Motivation and Support
That's what I need to lose ... so far I've lost 8 lbs.

Is there anyone else who needs to lose this much weight?


  • That's what I need to lose ... so far I've lost 8 lbs.

    Is there anyone else who needs to lose this much weight?
  • forestdancers
    forestdancers Posts: 146 Member
    Hi there

    Congratulations on your 8 lb loss. I know that it is never easy.

    I need to lose at least a 176 lbs but I would like to lose 186 to get to 150. I have lost at least 10 to 12 lbs to date.
    If you want to keep in touch with me by all means just drop me a line.

    Keep up the good work.
  • Hi B... Thanks fr replying, and Congrats on your weight loss too.

    I will be keeping in touch. Thanks
  • My goal is to lose 100 pounds and that will bring me to 170. the weight I should be according to my height is 153, so I guess my goal should be 125 pounds....so far I've lost 15 in just under 3 weeks...so I know it's doable!!

    Best Wishes to you...keep in touch and stay motivated!! We can do this!!

  • I needed to lose 102 lbs to hit 150. So far I have lost 30 and seem to be able to change my eating pattern to a healthier low calorie and low fat plan. Keep with it. If one day you go a little overboard just start right back in the next day. I guess this time ,trying to lose, thats the biggest difference for me. If i mess up one day I just get right back on the plan the next day. I changed my eating habits starting Nov. 15th and feel so much better with just the 30 off..........................no more knee pain already!! And I already have alot more energy. Keep with it.............................it is so worth it!!
  • I've lost 75 so far. Started at 259. I still have at least 50 to go. It's a long road, but well worth it! Lowering the cholesterol, blood pressure and feeling just generally better. It's taken me 4 years to get this far. Exercise, and no sugar, no flour diet is working for me. Slowly lose the weight. It stays off better. It's a lifestyle change, though. Stick with it, and keep up the good work! Chris.
  • My goal was to lose 100 pounds...so far I've lost 20!!!!!! I know it seems overwhelming to look at the big picture of what you want to lose, but just take small steps...5 pounds at a time, and it's not so hard...Good Luck to you! You can do this!! :wink:
  • skinnydreams
    skinnydreams Posts: 1,178 Member
    My goal for now is 100 lbs, more would always be appreciated but I'd be happy with 100!!! So far I'm down 17, thanks to this site keeping me on track and the positive encouragement from people on here!
  • bkrbabe57
    bkrbabe57 Posts: 395 Member
    Yes I need to lose 100 pounds.
    It is daunting but I'm sure that with the tools here and the support we will make it.
    Best of Luck, I'll be with you every step of the way.
  • I'm 11 lbs into a 130 loss. This is a VERY motivating thread to me!

    I feel an improvement already, in part to exercising. My legs have gotten really weak, in addition to developing 2 herniated discs in my neck from working at the computer). I have bad knees (no surprise). So, since I started a week and a half ago, I've been doing 10 mins on the elliptical trainer daily (high elevation and high resistance). I feel a very noticeable improvement already in my legs and overall.

    So that's where I'm at--about getting my body stronger through exercise and weight loss. For weight loss, I did medifast for 1 week to get a jump start. Now, I'll be counting calories the rest of the way. I'm also doing Overeaters Anonymous online and plan to start attending meetings in person next Monday. I have *got* to get my health on track. So, that's my plan.

    Count me in for offering help/support!
  • Thank You all for replying, it is very encouraging to know that I'm not alone on this long long journey.

    To all those who have lost weight, let me say, you will be my inspiration.

    Personally I need to lose about 164 ... however, I am just setting a 2lbs per week goal. Today I started logging my calories, If anyone wants to e-mail me just to keep in touch please do. I need all the help and support I can get. magundis@yahoo.com
  • PattyH
    PattyH Posts: 34
    Hi there!

    Yep I have 144lbs to lose. I joined here Jan. 8 and in 2 weeks I am down 9lbs. Staying focused on one day at a time instead of the big picture helps me. I still have days that I have a hard time getting through, but this site really helps! We can do this! :smile: :happy: :flowerforyou:

  • Cowboy
    Cowboy Posts: 369 Member
    You guys are ALL my heroes! You are DOING THIS THING! Give yourselves a huge pat on the back!
  • NurseBarb
    NurseBarb Posts: 183 Member
    I was also looking for people with this much to lose. Check back a couple of days on e thposts and you will see a 75+++ thread. A lot of people posted on that one too.
    Maybe we should just do a daily one.

    Anyways, I need to lose another 137 I think. I've lost 12 so far. Long road but WE CAN DO IT!!!!

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • Junie05
    Junie05 Posts: 26
    I agree to having one forum where we can all post - maybe one of you could start a challenge or weigh-in page where we could all start together on Feb. 1??

    Oh yeah, forgot to mention - I have 105 left to lose, and I've lost about 7 since Jan. 1.
  • Junie05
    Junie05 Posts: 26
    I didn't mean to imply that one of you "had" to start a challenge, I just meant that I didn't want to take over what you both have started. But I'm going to start a new challenge, and I hope you'll all want to join in!:flowerforyou:
  • I have lost 9 pounds since January 12, 2008

    Starting weight 314
    Weight today 305
    165 more to go
    Yeah:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • I have at least 97 pounds to go. It's been tough, but there's a lot of people in the same boat as us.
    My father used to tell me "one step at a time son, one step at a time" I know it's going to be a long journey. But the rewards of losing weight, will be awesome.:noway:
    Good luck:drinker:
  • Yeah, I always try to remind myself if I just loose a pound a week, is a pound not on me.

    Great Job Everyone!
  • Hi all, i have just joined this site and when I worked out that I wanted to lose 100lb I nearly cried. Really great to see that I am not on my own! would appreciate any support xx
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