Embarassing Digestive Question



  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,317 Member
    I have had the same problem. Here is what I do to help remedy it. I got some tea that has ingredients in it to make you go. You drink it before bed and it works the next day. I know you can get so at GNC, our local grocery store and health food store also carry some. The kind I have is called Smooth Move:laugh:

    Smooth Move has Senna in it - not as safe as Metamucil, so only use as directed. It can also affect effectiveness of some prescription drugs. Use cautiously.

    I'm not a health-care pro, just an obsessive label-reader.

  • lizard9800
    lizard9800 Posts: 474 Member
    I don't know how true it is, but I used to live in Africa where most people are quite the opposite of constipated due to dirty water. We were told that bananas and rice were good things for "solidifying". Maybe try fruit other than a banana first thing in the morning. Just a thought..
  • carajo
    carajo Posts: 532 Member
    My diet us similiar to use for the most part....but I always eat a bowl of Fiber One for breakfast 1/2 cup has 15 grams of fiber!! Add some fresh fruit for even more fiber...hope that helps
  • kimber607
    kimber607 Posts: 7,128 Member

    I'm having the SAME problem...I can't believe now that I am eating healthier, I'm constipated
    I upped my water, but NOTHING
    I really hate to take a laxative...let me know if u find something that works

  • Definitely take "something" to help get things moving along.

    Straining is REALLY bad for your back and neck.
  • julieofthewolves
    julieofthewolves Posts: 339 Member
    I would definitely go without the banana for a while. They are a killer on my system - I have had to convince myself I don't like them just to keep them away from me:cry: .

    Other than that, just try to stay consistent on your fiber intake. Oranges have essentially no (or very little) fiber and if you are having oranges on the same day you have a lot of yogurt you are throwing your system for a loop compared to the days that you have apples/pears and fiber cereal.

    Good Luck!
  • carolt
    carolt Posts: 2
    Regarding the water you drink. I just read today that too much water can actually damage the kidneys. It makes them work too hard.
  • well since you cut your coffee intake I would assume that would be the culprit. Your body probably became immune to taking in so much that as soon as you cut it out that is probably when you started bbecoming constipated. Coffee is a diaretic, my advice would be to try some extra fiber like bran or xtra fiber enriched veggies until your body gets used to disposing naturally without the caffeine diaretic lol.
  • dulceluva
    dulceluva Posts: 728 Member
    Eat more fibre and drink more water than fibre...the water will push out whatever the fibre is taking with it.

    I think its your body adjusting. Perhaps your body is used to all of your fibre intake and now its time to up it :tongue:
  • .... One that I use on my patients often is one of the liquids (30mls) in prune juice and heat it in the microwave for 10 seconds - we call it the crappacino and it seems to work within a few hours! good luck!

    :laugh: that is great! and even just plain warmed-up prune juice works too.... it's been my 'nightcap' for the past few nights.... but what is UP with this?!? i just want it to stop already!
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