kevinthenerd Member


  • (Hmmmm.... Do I wake the dead on an old thread, or do I start my own?) My wife and I went to a fancy restaurant for our fifth anniversary, and they used freshly ground black pepper on the salad. I wasn't even tempted to use the dressing. Freshly ground black pepper is now my new favorite salad "dressing".... all by itself.…
  • There's GOT to be a better way for it to automatically determine whether you're running or walking by using the average speed. I did 2.11 miles tonight in 32:40, averaging 3.88 mph as an early stage of "Couch to 5k". Runtastic rounded this up to 5 mph. I ended up creating my own spreadsheet to do the linear interpolation…
  • One sticks out that changed my life recently (within the last six months): Richard Dawkins - The God Delusion Some others had effects that are more difficult to assess against the background noise of life's other experiences: Robert M. Pirsig - Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance Rainer Maria Rilke - Letters to a…
  • Yeah, living this close to the Tampa brewery has its benefits. It's pretty popular over here, and it's usually fresh at the store. It's probably the hoppiest and tastiest beer you can get for somewhere between the price of a Busch and a Budweiser.
  • It's better to drink one delicious beer than to polish off a case of Natty Light, so I say go with something that packs enough of whatever you need in one bottle to satisfy your cravings. Guinness is okay, but I don't know what I'd do for a Beamish right about now. I wish it was still sold in the States.
  • I'm a beer snob, but at only 28, I can't say I'm an expert yet. Some of my favorite brands include Samuel Adams Noble Pils, Sierra Nevada Anniversary Ale, Hop Stoopid, and Southern Tier Unearthly. I like a lot of small-town hoppy ales if I ever run across them too, and I just got started brewing my own (starting with a…
  • I shouldn't read these forums on an empty stomach. My wife and I LOVE Chipotle. The nearest one to us is an hour away with a few dollars in tolls, and we've gone out just for a burrito many times. It's 1050 calories for a burrito the way I like it, but damn, it's worth the exercise. I agree with what's been said: just…
  • Considering what they spent on ads, it's definitely bullsh¡t.
  • I actually settled on that brand myself after comparing everything available at Wal-Mart. I was looking for the highest ratio of protein to fat or protein to carbohydrates. The vanilla flavor looked a TAD better (with 0.5 g less fat), so I went with that because I'm the least picky eater I know. Eggs are a good source of…
  • Upon further research into this, I found out that your body never over-compensates. Under no conditions will it "throttle back" more than the calorie deficit. As you eat less and less, you'll get decreasing weight loss benefits, but they will still increase. I'm not suggesting starvation to anyone. It's still very…
  • "Starvation" and "starvation mode" are two different things. Yes, it's true that nobody stayed fat in Auschwitz. If you cut your calories to zero or very near, you will eventually lose weight until you're a very unhealthy bag of bones. Your body recognizes when insufficient food is available and slows the rate of energy…
  • Mmmmm..... Fourth Meal!
  • As far as how often to weigh yourself, I like the Hacker's Diet method of taking a moving average of daily measurements. This takes the emphasis away from individual measurements in favor of a statistical picture. This is actually more insightful than weekly or monthly measurements, but it's a bit more time consuming than…
  • I just came back from a theme park vacation, and I'm afraid of my scale now too. Avoiding setbacks is good, but when it comes down to it, not every setback is avoidable. Sh** happens. Yes, having will power is important, but it's even more important to be able to get back up when you're down and get back to the routine. I…
  • I'm in the same situation but for a different reason. I abstain from fish (as well as red meats) on Fridays in Lent because I love fish and prefer it over red meats. (I actually look forward to Taco Bell's seafood offerings this time of year.) If you want to split hairs, I went to Catholic school for 14 years and spent a…
    in Lent Comment by kevinthenerd March 2011
  • Salt doesn't contain any energy usable to your body. A low-salt diet is healthy, and you're going to lose a little water weight initially. It's not a long-term solution to excess fat, though.
  • Before I decided to lose weight, I used to use a table spoon to apply my peanut butter, and I'd tilt the jelly on its side to almost pour it out on to whatever I was making.
  • Firehouse Subs Large Beef Brisket and Cheddar on White: 1500 calories Chick-Fil-A Spicy Chicken Biscuit: 450 calories (vs. Egg McMuffin at 300) Domino's Boneless Chicken: 1200 for the container McDonalds Large Mocha Frappe: 680 calories Taco Bell Beefy Crunch Burrito: 510 calories and so delicious it's worth the calories…