You really look just great! Thank you very much for this post!!! I felt just the same being 80 kg in September and then gaining up to 83 :(! You made my day :))) so I figured a new plan and gonna stick to it.
14 kg lost :) that's about 30 pounds
That looks great!
Yes, I completely agree. I was at my current weight two years ago and I was so I unsatisfied with my weight that had to by a fitness membership. But I didn't do anything seriously and visited fitness once a month. So in a year I gained 20 lbs and now it took me 6 months to get rid of them. And now I like myself and enjoy…
Great job, really! Just WOW! And I most of all like that you pay attention to the speed and time - so you have a lot of fitness goals - not just loosing weight.
Great job! You both look like absolutely different people!!!
Great job! You look a new person and much younger :)
I really enjoy reading your every post! Absolutely gorgeous!
So happy for you! Great results!!!
Thank you for your story! It's a real pleasure to read it! Great work done!
Great job! This sloooow and steeeady is the best path to stable new weight! I only have one question - how did you manage to wait till the final goal and not posting any progress pictures before ;)))
You're so beautiful! Great job! And I also like your choice of prints on dresses.
The best present you could have made for yourself :)
Thank you for your story!
Unbelievable!!! Great job!!!!
A great inspiration to me! Keep on!