raiderlifer53 Member


  • You should try to have their actions empower you. Take the higher ground knowing it will bother them that you're ignoring their actions whether they are intentional or not. I will bet you that eventually ask you why you don't indulge in their "treats" and this will set you apart from the sheep. Good Luck!
  • You should try to have their actions empower you. Take the higher ground knowing it will bother them that you're ignoring their actions whether they are intentional or not. I will bet you that eventually ask you why you don't indulge in their "treats" and this will set you abart from the sheep. Good Luck!
  • When I was 215 pounds seven months ago I entered what my goal weight was. I started eating 2000 calories a day which is what I would be allowed to eat when I got to 177 lbs. I don't like putting any exercise down on MyFitnessPal, I am down 32 lbs and find it easy to stay around 2000 calories each day. By doing it this way…
  • I add one spoonful of Equal, the sugar replacement
  • terrific, a lot of hard work & discipline:smile:
  • I was going to start a new thread but looks like this is already in play. I am able to meet all of my levels each day in carbs, fat, protein but never sugar. My daily limit is 40 grams but I'm never close. My weight has reduced from 215 lbs to 185 lbs in the last five months.In order to get to my goal of 180 lbs the one…
  • I used it before my disc replacement surgery to help manage pain. Worked for me but make sure you have an experienced docor or technician performing it. It's a tool to consider.
  • I am just completing Phase IV of my program started Feb 1st. I eat one banana with a handful of almonds ( not roasted ). I've dropped 25 lbs and over 2 inches in first four phases. I do think watching your sugar goals are important but I would cut out a lot of other things before I would drop bananas. Natural unprocessed…
  • Sounds to me that you're snacking for anxiety or emotional reasons rather than being hungry. If you try to find out why you're snacking you could trigger a different response than going for some nibblers. I had the same problem and before I grab something and eat it I call for a personal timeout to analyse what it is.…
  • I walk 60 minutes in the morning ( first thing after my tea ) on basically an empty stomach. I drink about three gasses of water during my walk. When I come home I then eat 24 Almonds with a banana to get me going, I also have my coffee and begin my day. In the late afternoon I walk again, even faster without the dog by…
  • I just completed my 30 day fresh start and have gone down from 215 lbs to 202.6= 12.4 lbs. This website has helped a lot. More importantly I have learned a few tricks that worked for me that might help others: 1) I calculated the calories for a sedentary person for the goal weight I want to be: For me this is important…
  • I agree totally, I find about 50 % are correct. When in doubt go with your own research. A recent sudy I saw on a documentary channel showed machines indicating calories burned were on average about 25% overstated.
  • Ha Ha, thanks for pointing out my stupidity. I think I'm around the 325-350 calorie/ hour range. Thanks
  • I'm from Toronto and disowned the leafs in '67. I've been a Red Wing fan and an Oakland Raiders fan. Double RR ,Wings & Raiders. Just win baby..get the octupus ready for the playoffs and win one more cup for Gordie Howe!
  • 110 calories for an hour @ 4mph which is brisk, that's kind of discouraging. Thanks for the help.
  • 81 lbs is impressive, how much more to go?
  • HANG IN THERE I started at 215 lbs with a goal of 190 lbs. In 4 weeks I am down 10.0 lbs to 205. I found this site good by putting in my weight at 190 lbs. This means that everyday my caloric limit is 2250 which is what a 190 lb male needs. By doing this I won't have to make any caloric adjustments onceI get to my goal. I…
  • great job , makes my goal of dropping 25 lbs seem easy. Congratulations!