lucylouhunter84 Member


  • I started my journey with SW back in 2005ish and have been back 3 times, each time losing around 2 stone. I always seemed to stick after that and only when I found MFP did I realise why. I love pasta and potatoes and always stuck with green days. I was having far too many calories and carbs, so when I started cutting the…
  • I've gone down a back size and 2 cup sizes fro DD to a C. To say my hubby is gutted is an understatement haha!
  • Firstly well done on the 30lbs! If you need motivation then PinkCoconut is definitely the lady for you! Her statuses keep me smiling and motivated every day. Being a mum of two myself, I know how hard it is too but the more you dishearten yourself the more you will lose interest. Don't look back at the past you...look…
  • I agree with everyone else here, slow and steady! I've been losing / gaining / and finally losing weight for over 12 years and I'm at a decent 77lb loss in total. Don't get disheartened, it will come off when it's ready! Keep up the great work! ☺
  • Twice in 6 weeks! I wish I had your willpower! I typically weigh in once a week, first thing Monday morning, but I do occasionally weigh 2-3 days a week to see how my weight is fluctuating. It's all down to personal preference I guess. If you're happy to check the scales every few weeks - which is what I plan to do when I…
  • Can't promise a challenge as I don't really focus on steps but feel free to add me too, // The more friends the merrier!
  • I'm from the UK but feel free to add me. Also a fitbit user and could always use more friends!
  • I kind of know how you are feeling, I have very few friends and I could only really call on mother when I had my kids. My hubby works long hours too and I used to hate it back when my first child was born - I'd be climbing the walls! It's hard but try to get out with your little one as much as you feel you can. Get to some…
  • Feel free to add me too - my door is open to anyone! Always looking to make new friends and give support when and where I can! ☺
  • Hi Louise here. I'm 32, from UK and married with 2 kids too. Highest weight was 251lbs back in my late teens and now down to 178. It will take time, god it's taken me this long, but I'm nearly there, and you will get there too. Also looking for some support and extra motovation as I make my way towards my final target.…
  • I swear by Jillian Michaels too, but she is not for everybody. You just need to find an activity that you enjoy doing and you won't get so bored. Like a couple here, I have a few dvds that I switch between so it keeps my routine changing x
  • Hi new friend! :)
  • Hi ladies, I'm 18 weeks today and just looking to get back into an exercise routine from this week. Was working out 3-4 times a week (Jillian Michaels / Zumba / Davina McCall) before I found out but just stopped due to nausea and tiredness. Finally getting my energy back and know I need to do something to get my fitness…
  • Pretty much the same here! This is my second baby and due in August. Trying to stay as fit and healthy as poss throughout, unlike my 1st when I really let it go! Feel free to add me!
  • Hi ladies! I'm 10 weeks , due 7th August with my 2nd, and would love to have some more preggo friends! Really struggling to find any motivation to exercise but the nausea is starting to settle now so think I'll start to get back into it in the next week or so - bought some ante-natal dvds so it'd be a shame not to use…
  • Hi! Due August 7th. With my hubby's birthday on July 28th, mine on the 31st, my little girl's on the 13th August and our wedding anniversary on the 15th - we have a very very busy few weeks lol! x
  • Name: Louise Hubby: Stephen How many kids do you have: This will be our 2nd. Have a 2yr old daughter, Millie Due Date: Approx 7th August 2013 Do you know the gender: No it's too early but not sure if we would anyways - we like surprises! Have you picked out the baby's name: We will narrow it down to a few we like but will…
  • Hi Rebecca and thanks so much for the link - I will be definitely having a look when I get a free 10 minutes or so. Congrats on your second baby too - hope everything is going smoothly. Feeling nauseous in the morning for a little while then it gives way to pure hunger! So no doubt I'll be gaining like nobody's business…
  • Hi there! I bought the full zumba dvd set for home a while back and had wondered the same thing. I did a search on Google and found this link which I started using - hope this helps! x
  • Hi ladies! I'm also in the same boat. I am currently about 16lbs off what I was when I got pregnant with my 1st and we are currently trying for our 2nd. I am hoping I can slowly and healthily lose this 16lbs and maintain a healthy while trying to conceive and throughout the pregnancy too. Feel free to add me - love the…
  • Mum of a 2 year old little girl in NE UK here! Finally getting around to losing my baby weight! Feel free to add! x
  • Hi! My little girl turned 2 in August and I didn't start really thinking about losing the baby weight seriously until January. Managed to lose a good stone and a half on my own before starting to struggle then I found MFP. It's been up and down since I joined but finding friends to help you along the way is much better…
  • Thanks for the add! Hoping I can be of some support for you on your weight loss journey! Here's to being slimmer and fitter! x
  • I've been on here for a little while too but haven't really got enough friends to hold me accountable or give me any positive encouragement! Am struggling this week so could really use some new friends to help me carry on!! Feel free to add me too and I will do the same for you! It's all about sticking together and helping…