A little off topic, but still involves weight loss..

I have always went through a depression, always.. In the last 4 years after the birth of my last child it was the worst period of my life. (Mother of the year right?) I'm working out, trying my best to stay on task, I have to say that my husband has been working late hours, I know that he is working, his paycheck reflects it. I'm so lonely, so terribly lonely. I want to turn to food for comfort. I feel like I have no one in this world other than my mother. I feel like bursting out into tears. I feel like my 18 days have been for nothing. I want to find peace with him being gone most of the day and me being how with a 4 year old as my company. I wait until my older kids are home to walk, that is my "me" time. I just feel so unhappy with my life and my weight. Thanks for listening, I just needed to talk to someone.


  • Aw I'm so sorry. I know what that's like I was feeling like a single mother for a long time. Because my husband was always working and falling into a depression and rut is very easy. I'm scared I'll fall right back in. I was the same way never getting dressed or cleaning and I'd just buy bad snacks and eat all day. I'm looking for ways to stay motivated and not fall back into that as well. I don't have a solution right now but I'd be happy to talk and be a friend to do it together
  • huango
    huango Posts: 1,007 Member
    Please reach out and search for local Mom's Clubs.
    Go to the park and try to make friends with other parents.
    Check out local children events at Library calendars, etc, to make friends.
    There are MANY other stay-at-home parents are in similar shoes.

    My kids are now 10.5 and 9, but when they were little, I used to go out of my mind with loneliness, boredom, and the same monotony day after day.
    It was a nice treat to look forward to seeing my new mom-friend who I can speak full sentences with, while our kids play.

  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    I understand how you feel. My husband worked about 2 hours away so was hardly ever home when my children were young. Why wait until the other children are home to go for a walk outside. I find being out in the sunshine lifts my spirits. It will also give your 4 year old some exercise. You could also pack a picnic lunch and go to the park just to do something different and get out of the house. You might even meet some other moms out there to talk with.
  • SillyCat1975
    SillyCat1975 Posts: 328 Member
    I wait on my older kids (18, 16, and 14) because I can't take him on a 4 mile walk/run. I walk a very busy road and he doesn't listen very well. I need to go to the park and make other friends with kiddo's. My 18 year old came home for about 3 minutes and then left to go out to eat with this daddy (not my husband), I want to shower after I walk but it's looking like it may not be a possibility here. It's beautiful, about 70 degrees. I really want to get outside, waiting is the hard part.
  • lucylouhunter84
    lucylouhunter84 Posts: 27 Member
    I kind of know how you are feeling, I have very few friends and I could only really call on mother when I had my kids. My hubby works long hours too and I used to hate it back when my first child was born - I'd be climbing the walls! It's hard but try to get out with your little one as much as you feel you can. Get to some groups where there are plenty mummys for you to mingle with and talk to. I've only recently started befriending the mums at my daughter's school now that she is there full-time, and it's great. But most definitely don't feel like you are alone! I've found that the confidence helps with the weight loss too and vice-versa. Stay strong!
  • rsmrodgers
    rsmrodgers Posts: 11 Member
    I can't relate to being lonely, but i do have depression. It is important to seek mental health services when you are depressed and follow all of the doctors recommendations. I also got vitamins for boosting energy and metabolism for women at gnc. They're the chewy kind.