Baby Weight-LOTS of it!


I joined this community a few years ago and I successfully lost over 40 lbs and became addicted to working out. Lost countless inches and dropped several pants sizes. Life was awesome.

Fast forward to 2014 when I became pregnant and gained over 70 lbs just from my pregnancy (also add 20 lbs of just regular weight I had gained before I became pregnant for a whopping total of 90 lbs)-all of which were in the final 4 1/2 months of my pregnancy. I was also bed ridden most of this pregnancy so lost lots of muscle. Due to lots of discipline I have lost 30 lbs already; however, I'm finding it very difficult to stay motivated when I still even look pregnant! Being a new mom I have trouble finding time to work out. Also, workouts are so hard on my body such as my knees! I have never experienced this so I just give up! Even with my 30 lbs loss my self esteem really sucks! My sister had her baby 2 weeks after me and she looks like she never had a baby. (Takes a moment of silence to hate her sister) I have never been this size. I'm 4 months post partum.

Are there any mommies out there that can post before and after pix or just over some support? Even advice? When do you find time to work out? I already wake up at 5 am. I need some other type of motivation than the ones I've used before. Feel free to add me!


  • PinkCoconut
    PinkCoconut Posts: 655 Member
    First of all, congrats on your baby! I had a boy in February of 2014 myself!

    Stay the course, girl! It's all about consistency, you know that! And having lost 30lbs previously you know it's more about nutrition than exercise so if you're finding things overwhelming (I can totally understand), start with your nutrition and then begin to add in some exercise.

    Feel free to add me and we can chat! I may have some ideas for you! :)
  • kiradot
    kiradot Posts: 4
    Can I join too? I'm trying to get off my baby weight too...not sure if its my age this time or just the fact that I'm busier as he was #3 but I'm having a tough time.
  • lucylouhunter84
    lucylouhunter84 Posts: 27 Member
    Firstly well done on the 30lbs! If you need motivation then PinkCoconut is definitely the lady for you! Her statuses keep me smiling and motivated every day. Being a mum of two myself, I know how hard it is too but the more you dishearten yourself the more you will lose interest. Don't look back at the past you...look forward to the new you and stay positive! My youngest was born August 2013 and I am now finally weighing lighter than I was when I got married in 2009. It can be done! You CAN do it! Feel free to add me too if you want some company on your journey!
  • efrensgirl2015
    efrensgirl2015 Posts: 480 Member
    Congrats on the baby! I had a baby on July and totally agree with pinkcoconut. If u have limited time and energy - and wjo doesn't if ur a mom - concentrate on caloric intake first. There was a quote elsewhere on these forums that said u lose weight in the kitchen and not the gym. SO TRUE. But if u can squeeze 20-30 minutes in just to get started, check out YouTube for tons of great workouts in a pinch. All the best and congrats again on the baby and losing 30 lbs so far!
  • kiradot
    kiradot Posts: 4
    Also, is anyone nursing? Or know how to get nursing support here? I'm not full time nursing anymore as baby is older and eating solids too, but I want to eat enough to keep my milk supply healthy until he is ready to wean.
  • BlakeysMomma
    BlakeysMomma Posts: 3 Member
    I completely understand where you are! I gained 55 lbs with my first and that was on top of the 10-15 I had already gained before getting pregnant <grumble, grumble>. I did not get back to my pre-pregnancy weight until my son was 13 months old as I did not start my weight loss journey until he was 8 months old. I am not sure if you are a SAHM or a working mama, but what worked for me was joining the gym at work. I would work out right after work and eventually I started working out during lunch instead (and I still do!). If that isn't an option, with the weather getting nicer, just start with going on walks with your little one. You can choose to either push a stroller or wear your babes, but either way you will be burning more calories than just a normal walk. And if you feel up to it, you could always do a workout video during naptime or at night. But what the others said is so true as well, what you eat is so important. Log every calorie even if it causes you to go over. You are being honest with yourself and remember this is a journey and a lifestyle change, don't be so hard on yourself. You are caring for more than just yourself now!

    Hopefully I can remember my own advice in a couple months when I am due to have my second little one ;)
  • Valdeezie
    Valdeezie Posts: 42 Member
    Thanks, ladies! All great points and very helpful. Yes, choosing the right foods and taking my baby for a walk is all I can maintain for now since I work 8-10 hrs a day, have a 2 hr commute, and spend every other second with my little one until she passes out. At that point I have my me time. I'm trying to sneak in activity everywhere I can which means leaving my desk for a 10 minute walk multiple times a day or taking the stairs as many times as possible. I am huge Insanity workout fan so hopefully something will give and I'll have time. You've given me hope!

    Do you mommies find you have more time for workouts after they are a little older or do you actually have less time?
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    Walks are great. I have 2 boys (3yrs and 9 months) and one of the easiest ways to get a workout in is to put them in the double stroller for a walk. Both of them love it. For the first few months, I actually put my youngest in a carrier and pushed my oldest in a normal stroller. It actually makes a great workout, since I live in a town with lots of hills (in fact to get out of my neighborhood you have to go up a steep one).
    I also used to use nap time for workouts. Or for my youngest a pack n' play with various toys to occupy him for a bit and coloring books for my oldest. I can usually get my oldest to sit at the kitchen table and color for a 30 mins to an hour. I even have paused workouts to move my youngest from the swing to the play gym or the other way around. I just get back to what I was doing as soon as he is happy and occupied. Some days this was easier than others.
    Recently, I got a membership at our local YMCA. They have 2 hours of daycare a day (except Sunday...daycare is closed) with the family membership. So now all 4 of us (husband, kids, & myself) go to the gym in the morning around 8 am or so. My oldest looks forward to going every morning and is sometimes up before me.
  • TheSwoleMinister
    TheSwoleMinister Posts: 70 Member
    You are doing great! Just stay with it and remember that it wont happen overnight. Don't be too hard on yourself either =) We will all stumble from time to time...just keep going!!