brandypinky22 Member


  • Thanks for both the responses. I'm not really concerned about starvation mode for myself was just more curious how this concept applied to those who get surgeries. I already work my calories off of my tdee and have a large deficit now because I have a lot to lose. But, I'm far from perfect and there are days that I of…
  • I am 100% addicted to food. The hardest thing is unlike other addictions you can't just completely abstain. We all need food. I have really been trying to restructure my thinking. Usually, the first thing I think of when I am going somewhere is ooooo what will they have for food. It's hard and it's an everyday struggle but…
  • Whenever I get asked this question I tell them counting calories and working out hard. They just stand in amazement with dropped jaws and then say something to the effect of "wow that sounds tough." Inside I just kind of giggle and think yes, completely changing your lifestyle and moving your body when you feel like being…
  • I'm a huge Packers fan!!! Also a Huskers fan and a Badgers fan. From Wisconsin but now live in Lincoln, NE and live three blocks from the Huskers stadium. Every week during football my weekend consists of two football parties, sometimes more depending on when the Packers play!
  • I still have some drinks every once and awhile. With my social group if I had a beer every time I wanted to I would never lose. So, I make plans and reserve drinking for what I consider semi-special occasions. Next time will be the Wisconsin Nebraska game at the end of September. Since I live three blocks from the Huskers…
  • Instead of trying to rely on willpower instead use the strategy that you will just have something as a substitute. A piece of fruit can actually make for yummy dessert after a meal. If you know you are going to want a little something sweet plan it into your daily intake. Making a plan that you can live with long term…
  • I am the exact same way. I 2 cents is to try as many different kinds and exercises that you can. Do a day or couple day trial of each kind until you find something you don't hate...and maybe even enjoy.
  • I am not sure what your expectations or you net calories are but I eat between 1300-2000 calories a day depending on how much I exercise, I will add you :-)
  • Clean eating has a lot of different definitions depending on what circles you run in. For me clean eating is eating whole foods, whole grains, nothing with added sugars, lots of fruits of veggies, lean proteins, avoiding saturated fat as much as possible, reduced fat dairy, lower on the sodium, and trying to avoid anything…
  • I totally agree. For me I feel ten times better when the food I'm putting in is clean. I bet if you can get back on track with eating clean you will blow your plateau out of the water. For me the hardest part is the first two or three days. After that I start to feel the benefit of eating clean and it makes it a lot easier…
  • This. When I first started tracking on here I freaked out because I was concerned at how many grams of sugar I was eating. Then I did some research and I found that most guidelines are referring to added sugars not sugars such as lactose and fructose. Personally I avoid all added sugar, refined sugar, especially white…
  • I have been doing clean eating and I hated it at first but now love it! I will add you!
  • Weekly Goal: 2600 Mon: 832 Zumba then biking home Tues: calories burned (how they were burned) Wed: calories burned (how they were burned) Thur: calories burned (how they were burned) Fri: calories burned (how they were burned) Sat: calories burned (how they were burned) Sun: calories burned (how they were burned) Total:…
  • My best guess would be that your severe increase in fiber intake due to eating so many fresh veggies is causing gas/indigestion. This has happened to me when I change my diet before...give your body more time to adjust and maybe invest in some beano.
  • 1. WAY TO GO! Nothing feels better or tastes better than making a goal. 2. I make goals with small (nonfood) related rewards every 5 lbs, with little larger rewards every 25 lbs. Find what makes you feel good about yourself and your achievements and that will help you stay focused and on track. 3. I try to avoid "time…