TracyS1076 Member


  • thanks for all the advice was freaking me out that it was both calves during a workout. I never even thought about the sodium levels!
  • Thanks all.....I had gotten a few messages sent to me about the actual number breakdown on the diet plan he provided me so here it is: This is based on a 1587K/cal plan.......Carbs: 97g Protein: 185g Fat: 51g. I figure I am going to try it for 30 days and see how it goes, I have nothing to lose but the weight right? I also…
  • When do you weigh in??? Last Wed I had a horrible calorie day (all of it was at night too right before bed...pasta, meatballs, garlic bread, cookies LOL) So Thursday I just ate lean and took my body attack class...Friday I ate lean and ran 6 miles, and I was still down 2 lbs on Saturday morning. Mind you I DID NOT under…
  • Thanks all but can you tell me what IIFYM stand for....don't slap me lol
  • Omg how stupid am I...I went to my goals page and saw in the fine print that the 1270 should be my total intake AFTER exercise...... sorry all for jumping the gun and not reading everything through. My logging will start back tomorrow and I feel really motivated! I am going to leave the calorie goal at the 1 lb/wk for now…
  • My workout routine is as follows Monday:treadmill running 1 hour intervals 10 min mile Tuesday: step class 45 min, yoga/Pilate's 45 min Wed: ellipectical 60 min Thursday: kick boxing 60 min Friday: treadmill run or ellipectical 60 mins Saturday: spin class 60 minutes I haven't been consistent on logging here so don't laugh…
  • I actually just made it public, don't mind if you take a look...if you notice the "notes" I am also keeping track of WW points the old school way (cal, fat,fiber), I don't really care for the new program, and I had previously lost 30 lbs the old way after the birth of my first child.
  • LOL, thanks all...that message has definately NOT being motivating me for sure LOLOL. I have been exercising more...I will make my diary public.