new macros percentage from a trainer, need some opinions

So I haven't been logging this week, just honestly needed a week off. I have still been hitting the gym. I have been on MFP for awhile and frankly I have gotten lazy, I figured well as long as I was in my calories, I was good. I got to a good weight and within 10 of my goal and was just annoyed that I didn't feel toned...i still felt soft. I had some friends that had great success with a sport nutrition place so I decided to give it a whirl. He did a weight/body assessment and then we talked about food. He told me that even though my job is sendentary, with my 5 days of working out, 1200 calories was not enough. He created a food plan that frankly is going to be hard to get use to since I love love love carbs. The new plan is 1400 a day....the macros are 24.4%carbs, 46.6% protein and 28.9%fat. I did run in through IFFYM, but it seems a little aggressive. I bought the protein powder which is fine because I already use that, and I bought an amino acid mix to use during my long runs (6+). Anyways, he said to make sure to eat protein first, then the veggies and then the carbs. No carbs with dinner, unless I feel like I really need them and even them just a small serving. I am curious on some feedback for these kinds of macros, is anyone else on here using or have used these types of percentages and what kind of success did you have. Don't yell at me, but I still think a cheat meal should be allowed....sorry but I like tacos, and pizza LOL. So I am going to give it a whirl and see what happens. I am not unrealistic about my weight...I am 37, and 5'5", I don't want to be 105....I would like to be 145....I was 159 last week, today at the trainer it was up, but that is not surprising after the week of eating I have had LOL. My workouts are very regulart and I wear a fitbit. Mondays/Wed/Friday are always running, distance depends on scheduled events...this week so far I ran a 5, then a 3, I have another 5 on friday (next week is longer because I have a 15k. Tuesday is Step class and Thursday is Body Attack. I definately look forward to your responses. Oh and the interesting thing he did tell me, was at the end of the day, it was more important to hit my macros and not really worry as much about the caloric number.
Thanks again!


  • _John_
    _John_ Posts: 8,641 Member
    Any number he throws out can be scrutinized, so in the end, if your goal is to lose weight as body fat, there's nothing inherently wrong with the macro ratios he has for you. Probably a little high in protein, but nothing is terrible out of whack other than you maybe having to eat REALLY nutrient dense carb sources to keep your carbs low and get nutrition from food.

    It will be VERY unlikely that you hit a 46% protein macro and keep a caloric surplus, so in a way I agree there.

    That said nothing he said is the "only" way to do it, and many will have differing opinions.

    I keep a 35% protein, 35% carb, 30% fat macro fwiw, but I get a LOT more calories in a day than you do. Most calorie restrictive diets that are high protein make it REALLY hard for women to get adequate nutrition (from food), as your carb sources are typically the highest in most nutrients.
  • BeachGingerOnTheRocks
    BeachGingerOnTheRocks Posts: 3,927 Member
    Instead of worrying about the percentages, worry about the grams in macros he's recommending. He's recommending 161 grams of protein, which is right around 1 gram per pound of body weight. I see nothing wrong with that recommendation.

    The calorie recommendation might be a little low, though.
  • michael300891
    It seems decent enough if the guy above my posts maths is correct - The RDA for protein is 0.8g/kg/day but I would recommend 1.2+ if your losing weight. Some evidence suggests up to 1.8g/kg/day to prevent losses in lean body mass. So while your on a energy deficit getting that protein is fine.

    Carbs and fat also seem fine.

    In regard to your cheat meal... Everyone does it but if you really want that, then factor that into your daily macros first.

    If your going to do it, make sure your adjusting your intake throughout the day to accomodate.

    Worst thing you can do is get your macros perfect all day and then smash a giant eating session at the end of the day because you couldn't resist.

    When you do cheat, focus on high protein cheat meals. For example, I love tortilla chips, but have them with lean beef or chicken to bulk them out and reduce the actual carbohydrate and energy intake overall.

    Doctoral Researcher in Exercise Adaptation and Metabolism:

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  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    I think it looks fine...a little low on the carbs for me, but that's just me.

    I do not agree at all with his notion that you have to eat your food in some kind of order and that you can't have carbs at dinner...that's just a bunch of bro-science nonsense.
  • TracyS1076
    TracyS1076 Posts: 13 Member
    Thanks all.....I had gotten a few messages sent to me about the actual number breakdown on the diet plan he provided me so here it is:
    This is based on a 1587K/cal plan.......Carbs: 97g Protein: 185g Fat: 51g.
    I figure I am going to try it for 30 days and see how it goes, I have nothing to lose but the weight right? I also feel like I can tweak the numbers a little...if I feel like I need a little more carbs, I will just have to make sure I am eating the right carbs. cwolfman: I agree with you....I am not about eating things in order, I like variety LOL
  • asdelmonte
    asdelmonte Posts: 171 Member
    I think the ratios look fine. The thing I would change is your Tuesday and Thursday workouts. I would lift weights those days instead of taking classes.