Completing food diary at the end of day help

Hi All,
I just joined MFP this week and I am a little confused....the first night is said...if everyday is like today you will be 159.1 in 5 weeks, the next night I ate similar calories and it said.....160.1 in 5 weeks, last night said 161.1 in 5 weeks......why is this increasing instead of decreasing or at least staying the same. My calories are well within my limit if not a little under. Thanks!


  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,430 Member
    Was your exercise different? Good for you for finding that close out button so quickly though. It took me months!
  • ElleBee66
    ElleBee66 Posts: 128 Member
    It is either excercise or you have eaten slightly more each day. That's fine though so long as you are within your calories.

    If you open your diary people will give you advice.
  • 126siany
    126siany Posts: 1,386 Member
    The important part is "if every day were like today". It really should say "If every day were EXACTLY like today".

    It's simply calculating your calorie deficit for that day and projecting that deficit for the next 5 weeks. No one eats or exercises exactly the same way every single day, nor should they.

    It's just an estimate to motivate you. Most people find it to be inaccurate.

    By the way, hitting the Complete button only does two things: publishes it to your news feed and gives you that estimate. So if the message is getting on your nerves, don't worry about hitting the complete button.
  • TracyS1076
    TracyS1076 Posts: 13 Member
    LOL, thanks all...that message has definately NOT being motivating me for sure LOLOL. I have been exercising more...I will make my diary public.
  • TracyS1076
    TracyS1076 Posts: 13 Member
    I actually just made it public, don't mind if you take a look...if you notice the "notes" I am also keeping track of WW points the old school way (cal, fat,fiber), I don't really care for the new program, and I had previously lost 30 lbs the old way after the birth of my first child.