1200 calories....is that right

Hi all,
I have lost 20 lbs on weight watchers.... I am 5 ft 5 in and currently weigh 159 although weighing myself this morning after a dinner of 2 pieces of pepperoni pizza and a salad with fresh bacon..blue cheese crumbles and blue cheese dressing was probably a mistake. Last month I had gotten down to 153....since then I have gained and lost the same handful of pounds. Anyways...MFP calculated my calorie load at 1200 per day to continue to lose weight...but here is my question.....is that the number that I need to be at the end of the night.....because I work out 5/6 days a week. MFP "yells" at me if I am under that .number....example...yesterday I had eaten 1000 calories...then I worked out..burned 300 calories..i then ate a small dinner bringing me to 1000 calories at the end of the night.....I think I am doing something wrong


  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    MFP is designed to eat back exercise calories (at least 50% of them). Also, with only 15 lbs to lose, your account should be set at no more than 1 lb per week, but realistically 1/2 lb per week would be better. Also, what is your workout routine? Point of reference, most woman I know are losing at 1700-2100 calories. Eating 1200 and burning 400 is like eating 800 calories.

    Based on your stats, it would be better to set your goal to 1800 calories and do not eat back exercise calories (20% less than estimated TDEE).

    ps- can you open your diary.
  • maybeazure
    maybeazure Posts: 301 Member
    MFP will yell at you if you EAT under 1200 calories. It doesn't give you the warning if you net under 1200. I nearly always do and I'm not worried about it because of this article and my doctor's recommendation:


    However you are not NEARLY as overweight as I am, so I would imagine that it would be perfectly reasonable and probably healthier for you to lose more slowly. I was and to some degree still am having serious health complications from my weight. I wouldn't suggest that anyone EAT under 1200 though (unless there is doctor supervision). I tried that, and it made me seriously grumpy.
  • TracyS1076
    TracyS1076 Posts: 13 Member
    My workout routine is as follows
    Monday:treadmill running 1 hour intervals 10 min mile
    Tuesday: step class 45 min, yoga/Pilate's 45 min
    Wed: ellipectical 60 min
    Thursday: kick boxing 60 min
    Friday: treadmill run or ellipectical 60 mins
    Saturday: spin class 60 minutes

    I haven't been consistent on logging here so don't laugh at my food diary lol
  • TracyS1076
    TracyS1076 Posts: 13 Member
    Omg how stupid am I...I went to my goals page and saw in the fine print that the 1270 should be my total intake AFTER exercise...... sorry all for jumping the gun and not reading everything through. My logging will start back tomorrow and I feel really motivated! I am going to leave the calorie goal at the 1 lb/wk for now at least for as week and then changer it to the 0.5/week if need be.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    Here is what I suggest. First log daily to included measuring and weighing food. Two, set account to 1 lb per week and eat back 50% of exercise calories or set account to 1800 and do not eat back calories. Third, adjust macros to around 40% carbs 40% protein and 20% fats. Fourth replace all elliptical days with weight training days. Weight training will provide tons of benefits that cardio won't like helping with muscle retention.
  • aakaakaak
    aakaakaak Posts: 1,240 Member
    Ignore the base MFP settings. It's okay, but it's not the best.

    Calculate your total daily energy expenditure (TDEE) including your exercise.

    Set your calories and macros according to what IIFYM says.

    Hit your calories and macros. Religiously.

    Do your exercise. Really, do it. Even if you don't want to. Do it.

    Log everything. EVERYTHING related to food. You don't have to track your exercise here, but you need to do it. If you track your exercise calories here it messes with your calories and macronutrient needs.

    Don't eat back your exercise calories. You've already calculated them into your TDEE.

    If you don't lose weight after a few weeks then adjust your calories and macronutrients, or increase your exercise.

    Being borderline religious about hitting your numbers and getting your exercise is what will help you lose weight the most. Weighting and measuring everything you put in your mouth will probably be the biggest surprise weight loss winner for you.

    If you have any other questions just ask around and try to do your best to separate the whey from the chaff. There are people around here that have faith in programs that simply don't work. They're usually the people who still have a good deal of weight to lose and aren't currently losing...or they're trying to sell something like Shakeology.

    Oh, and eat more protein. Like, double it. You should take the percentages out of carbs and maybe a little out of fat if it balances right.
  • LoosingMyLast15
    LoosingMyLast15 Posts: 1,457 Member
    Omg how stupid am I...I went to my goals page and saw in the fine print that the 1270 should be my total intake AFTER exercise...... sorry all for jumping the gun and not reading everything through. My logging will start back tomorrow and I feel really motivated! I am going to leave the calorie goal at the 1 lb/wk for now at least for as week and then changer it to the 0.5/week if need be.

    WOO HOO! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: three cheers for you for getting it! i'm being 100% serious here. you don't know how many times someone has come on here asking about the whole 1200 calorie thing then getting 100 answers all saying the same thing just to have the person come back and tell everyone well i'm full after 500 calories so i'm not going to force myself. You are already on the right track to doing great. :) YAY!
  • TracyS1076
    TracyS1076 Posts: 13 Member
    Thanks all but can you tell me what IIFYM stand for....don't slap me lol
  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    Thanks all but can you tell me what IIFYM stand for....don't slap me lol

    if it fits your macros
  • aakaakaak
    aakaakaak Posts: 1,240 Member
    A link to a more clear definition: http://iifym.com/introduction-to-iifym/

    Pay close attention to your:

    ...and try to fit the appropriate numbers of each within your calories for the day. MFP does this, but they only do it for a single model and doesn't seem to scale well. Fortunately the site allows you to set your own percentages based on calories for carbs, fat and protein.

    Realistically, IIFYM is just watching your calories as number one, then watching your macronutrients as number two. Or, "hey, eat a balanced diet and stay within your calories."