regraves Member


  • If you are concerned about the sugar content you should look at your probiotic yogurt and v8, both of those have a significant amount of sugar in them. Switch your probiotic drink out for a probiotic pill and you will save a lot of calories from sugar that you can put into your bbq sauce of choice.
  • An increase in the size of your stomach and digestive tract as a result of eating can put pressure on your other organs which your body could interpret as back pain.
  • It is probably in one of the two above links, but individual foods don't transfer over very well from MFP to FB, same with exercise, in fact it can lead to multiple entries. I generally just ignore the fitbit site as it transfers all my calories burned into MFP and then I view everything from MFP.
  • A staff of strength and conditioning coaches, nutritionists, trainers, sports medicine Drs., private training facilities, and various other perks doesn't hurt.
  • Might want to consider the type of steak you are using and consider switching to a leaner cut.
  • Be the person you want to be, if others don't like it then leave em in the dust as you walk the road that you choose. There will always be people pulling you down and there will always be people helping you forward. Just gotta choose who you are going to listen to, but never forget that the only one that you truly have to…
  • See if your gym has an ergometer. Basically it's similar to a stationary bike where you use your hands to pedal. Gives a good workout for people that can't use their legs for whatever reason.
  • I was also invited to Golden Key, in grad school at the moment. From what I have gathered from the ones that I am already in they are useful for a resume for employers who don't know much about higher education and are awed easily by the concept of a membership in an honors society. For those that do, your GPA generally…
  • The fact that you are 9 years from smoking and you did it cold turkey shows that you have the willpower to do what you need to do to be healthy. Have some faith in yourself. I'm not a fan of fruit either, but there are other options and you don't need to completely give up chocolate, its all about moderation and keeping in…
    in Hi Comment by regraves September 2012
  • I get shin splints all the time if I don't stretch. The stretches towards the bottom of the page at this link work great for me.