Watch some youtube at home workout videos...
Yeah, I would just go run outside & save some money but it gets so cold where I live now... I'm afraid I won't stick it as soon as its cold outside.. :/
Exactly, I'm trying to be realistic with myself... lol!
Haha thanks for trying lol!!! :)
Yes, I'm guilty of spending the money for a gym membership and yet NEVER going...I figured I would workout more if I owned some equipment. Do it while I watch tv or what not!
True :) if you don't enjoy won't do it!
Good idea the youtube videos :)
Thank you everyone for your replies, tips, and helpful info! :) I appreciate it so much!
Sauerkraut & ham hocks
Thank you everyone for the help and advice!!!
How long did you have to take the excedrine before you were okay without it? What do you drink instead?
What did you start drinking instead? Just water?
Chocolate, I totally forgot about chocolate having caffeine! Well maybe after a day of not having a soda. I can treat myself to some dark chocolate candy. Use it as a treat incentive and it naturally has a bit of caffeine so MAYBE I won't be a crazy lady lol! :explode:
Yeah, I thought about doing that... but then I had a second thought that I might start a new addiction or a new problem :(
2 weeks:grumble: lol! Well thank you for giving me a time-frame to challenge myself with! :smile:
I seen this recipe on Pinterest! It was great!