_lyndseybrooke_ Member


  • I'm on the "go outside" team. Step away from the dreadmill. My husband and I walk our dog every night, and we have been going on hikes on Saturdays (soon to be Sundays too) at a state forest near us. You walk for over an hour, but it feels like 15 minutes.
  • Is this real life? I could smash 1500 calories in under an hour, easy.
  • Zero - preferably less.
  • It was either the red, white, and blueberry salad from Newk's Eatery or the new fruity crisp Oreos. Yeah, the Oreos win. The salad was shockingly delicious, though.
  • I get home around 6:15 and need to be in bed by 8:30 so I can get up at 4:00 to work out, so I don't have much time to do anything. My husband and I take the dog for a walk and then I cook, eat, clean whatever mess I made in the kitchen, and then lay on the couch for about 30 minutes before heading to bed. I don't know how…
  • The kind that's edible. I'm always down for a classic glazed donut, but I also love chocolate iced donuts. The best one I've ever had was a cacao nibs donut from Dough in New York City. It also helped that it was the size of my head. And allll mine. :smile:
  • I went to New York City for 6 days a couple of weeks ago and ate the entire city. I can put away a lot more calories than a lot of people, so when I say I ate a lot, I mean I ate a ridiculous amount of food. Pizza, giant cookies, cheesecake, hot dogs, gelato, pastries, huge pastrami sandwiches, burgers, french fries, all…
  • ....then what? I neglect to see how eating almonds would help a binge-eater not binge. The amount of exercise you would have to do in order to "burn back" the calories consumed in an actual binge would be insane. It's that "I'll have this donut and take a walk after dinner to make up for it" mentality. People think…
  • My favorite oats contain cream cheese (for creaminess), cinnamon, egg whites (for volume, no taste if made correctly), PEScience protein powder, blueberries, shredded coconut, and coconut peanut butter spread out on top, NOT mixed in, so you can taste it in every bite. I've eaten this a million times and never get sick of…
  • That would keep me full for approximately 10 minutes. OP, it doesn't make sense that the shelter won't let volunteers eat their own food. You'd think that would be more food for the people it's meant for. And what if you had diet restrictions? There's no logical reason that you shouldn't be able to eat food from home while…
  • How are jumping lunges not cardio?
  • Cropped leggings and a tank over a sports bra, usually. If it's during the summer I tend to wear as little as possible, but I lift at home, so the only thing seeing me is the occasional spider in my garage. They haven't submitted any complaints, so I think they're pretty chill about some visible *kitten* cheek.
  • Now that's dedication. :smile:
  • What I usually do: 1. Buy spaghetti squash. 2. Cut in half and roast in the oven for what seems like a lifetime. 3. Remove gross mush from the center. Try not to get too turned off by the smell. 4. Use a fork to scrape the spaghetti squash out. Get excited because it actually looks pretty good. 5. Top squash with favorite…
  • Depends on you. I don't personally know anyone that has sustained weight loss using Atkins, but that certainly doesn't mean they don't exist. I did Atkins in high school for four months and lost 40 lbs. It also made me hate a lot of foods because I basically had no variety in my diet. That was my fault, though. I also lost…
  • Have you considered just not drinking coffee? There are ways of getting caffeine in your body without drinking coffee. My go-to coffee includes a tablespoon of sugar free hazelnut creamer and 3-4 Splenda packets depending on the size of the cup. Black coffee tastes like death to me. I'm more of a Starbucks girl (yep, I'm…
  • I honestly can't tell the difference. I've even had fat free. It all tastes like cottage cheese to me. I like it, though.
  • I put various nut butters on toast, bananas, apples, oatmeal, pancakes, waffles, French toast, ice cream, cheesecake, sweet potato, protein bars, yogurt, bagels, protein shakes.... I have a cabinet filled with different flavors/brands of peanut butter, almond butter, hazelnut butter, cashew butter, cookie butter, powdered…
  • My dinner tonight is actually 200 calories. My dinners are usually in the 400-600 range, but that's not how it worked out this week. I'm having an egg white omelet (200g egg whites + 1 oz spincah + seasoning) topped with a laughing cow cheese wedge and two slices of turkey bacon. This meal is so unlike me, but it gets the…
  • Post-Workout - PEScience 1-Carb waffle with strawberries, blueberries, and bananas Breakfast - Apple slices with yogurt mixed with peanut butter Lunch - Blueberry coconut protein oatmeal with coconut peanut butter Dinner - Egg white and spinach omelet with a white cheddar Laughing Cow cheese wedge and turkey bacon Dessert…
  • The problem is the protein powder you're using. The mixing method wouldn't matter if it was a decent protein. What kind are you using? Also, a lot of protein powders will clump in hot liquid even if they don't clump in hot or room temperature liquid. I hear that's a common problem with people that put their protein powder…
  • I watch a lot of fitness YouTubers. Top 3 Nikki Blackketter Maryana Dvorska Travis S I also like... Kara Corey Josie Mai Brittany Loeser Lynette Marie Brittany Lesser Ashley Nocera Jazmine Garcia Chelsea Lifts Hodge Twins (in small doses) BroScienceLife (also in small doses) Alan Thrall (for educational/informational…
  • Food is good and I want to eat a lot of it without gaining weight or having to do cardio every day. Luckily, lifting has become a huge passion of mine and I genuinely enjoy training. It's my "me time" and even though my results aren't mind blowing and I still have work to do, the changes I've seen in my body are amazing. I…
  • Protein cookie dough, Amanda Bucci style. :smile:
  • My husband and I are going to New York City in just under a month. We'll be there for a week and I plan to be at least 10 pounds heavier when I get back. Some of that will be water for sure, but some of it will definitely be fat. I plan to stuff my face with lots of good food and not a single calorie/macro will be counted…
  • There are very few vegetables that I enjoy eating, and there are very few salads that I'll actually eat. My favorite is a spinach salad loaded up with chicken, strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, feta, almond slivers, and lemon juice instead of dressing. Those flavors really overpower what little taste the spinach…
  • I'll take the one on the right. :smile:
  • I was craving a protein smoothie, so I made one with 2 oz baby spinach, 140g frozen pineapple, 80g banana, 1 scoop PEScience snickerdoodle protein, 1/2 cup unsweetened coconut milk, 1/2 cup water, and a few ice cubes. It filled my cup to the brim and was delicious. :smile:
  • I definitely prefer boots, and so I usually only wear skinny jeans in the colder months. I feel like a lot of girls can rock skinny jeans with flats, but I just don't think I'm one of them. It just looks...off.