So many calories...!

oocdc2 Posts: 1,361 Member
I'm finding it hard, on a psychological level, to totally eat my maintenance calories (1500), even working out 3x week. I'm just so nervous about weight creeping up. Anyone else feeling like this?


  • vixtris
    vixtris Posts: 688 Member
    I feel you. I can eat about 1900-2000 daily with my current exercise regimen, but I'm usually eating between 1400-1800. I'd rather it be going down slowly than going up slowly, you know? I suppose you could do that, and if it dips down too far, then indulge in a pint of ice cream or a big dinner (or just do that every 2 weeks or once a month or something).
  • _Waffle_
    _Waffle_ Posts: 13,049 Member
    It's a bit of a shock to find out what your body NEEDS vs what you think you want in calories. Plus most of the things we eat in the west is very calorie dense.
  • jaedizzle01
    jaedizzle01 Posts: 775 Member
    @oocdc2 i love your profile picture!!!
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,145 Member
    Sort of. I have my calorie goal set about 100 calories lower than my TDEE.
  • oocdc2
    oocdc2 Posts: 1,361 Member
    @oocdc2 i love your profile picture!!!

    Thanks! :blush:
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member

    Is this real life? I could smash 1500 calories in under an hour, easy.

    Me too!
  • besee_2000
    besee_2000 Posts: 365 Member
    Its not that she couldn't eat that physically, I think. It sounds like a mental road block. Try watching 10,000 calorie challenges on youtube and you might gag from how much they put down! I am partly envious because I would fear the repercussions too much.
  • Noreenmarie1234
    Noreenmarie1234 Posts: 7,492 Member
    1500 with exercise 3x a week sounds like still weight loss to me. I maintain on 2100-2600 and i exercise a few times a week and am only a tiny girl.
  • oocdc2
    oocdc2 Posts: 1,361 Member
    RoxieDawn wrote: »

    Is this real life? I could smash 1500 calories in under an hour, easy.

    Me too!

    I'm old and slow, ladies. :wink: I usually burn about 350/workout.
  • oocdc2
    oocdc2 Posts: 1,361 Member
    1500 with exercise 3x a week sounds like still weight loss to me. I maintain on 2100-2600 and i exercise a few times a week and am only a tiny girl.

    I'm pretty new to maintenance, so I may have to up my caloric intake. I can't even imagine eating 2100/day, glad it's working for you!
  • mlee981
    mlee981 Posts: 18 Member
    edited June 2016
    Screw calorie counting - change the foods that you're eating. Whole plant based foods - little processed foods.

    I eat around 2500 - 3500 plus calories a day, and I'm maintaining my weight. I exercise everyday or 6 days a week for 30 minutes to around 1.5 hours . Strength training and probably around 20 minutes of cardio or so.

    It's the source of the calories. According to the tdee calculator I should be gaining weight, but I'm not. If I were eating 1600 calories of processed animal product heavy foods, then yes I would need to stick to that number or else I would be gaining.

    The point is , yes a calorie is a calorie in a laboratory setting - but when we apply that to a living breathing organism (human beings) if we had two people and set them on two different diets for a year but eat the SAME number of calories and exercise regime, John will eat 2500-3000 calories a day of plant based whole foods, with little processed foods and Tim will eat 2500-3000 calories a day of meat,dairy, eggs, processed foods - do you think they are going to look the same ??!?? Or have the same results in terms of weight, blood tests, body fat?!?! NO.

    They are going to look different by the end of the year. This is because it's about the TYPE OF food we eat.

    Oh and the calorie counters - say I need around 1800 or so to maintain - I was eating this a year back with the foods I eat now and guess what , I lost weight - WAYYYY too much weight (not going to go into details about this as this was a very painful time mental/physically)


    EAT REAL FOOD and you don't need to worry about calories.

    It's honestly that simple.
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    No way, I LOVE eating maintenance calories, I eat around 2100 on average and I wish I could eat more LOL
  • cglogosh
    cglogosh Posts: 1 Member
    @KorvapuustiPossu "Imposing your (wrong) opinions on other is not fine."

    WOW.. since when did someones opinion become right or wrong.. isnt that what an opinion is, someone else views.. whether or not they agree with yours??
  • kgirlhart
    kgirlhart Posts: 5,099 Member
    cglogosh wrote: »
    @KorvapuustiPossu "Imposing your (wrong) opinions on other is not fine."

    WOW.. since when did someones opinion become right or wrong.. isnt that what an opinion is, someone else views.. whether or not they agree with yours??

    @cglogosh Her opinions are wrong because they defy laws of physics and logic as well. Her opinions are scientifically wrong. If I think elephants can fly does it make it true? No. Because it defies logic and laws of physics.

    @cglogosh Having an opinion is not wrong. I think what @KorvapuustiPossu is saying is that imposing it on others is wrong. Especially when the opinion you are giving is incorrect. I was kind of wondering where the research that backed @mlee981 post was. That sounds like anecdotal evidence to me, nothing scientific. And I don't really believe that she is eating that much more than her TDEE and not gaining weight. But that is my opinion. I don't actually know how many calories she is eating. But if she says screw calorie counting I have doubts if she knows how many calories she is eating either. I think I'll stick with my calorie counting and my meat, dairy and processed foods. It is working for me.

    The OP came here wondering if others are having trouble eating up to their maintenance calories after being at a deficit. She didn't come here to be lectured about her food choices. I know how you feel @oocdc2 . I'm not quite at maintenance yet. I have 6 pounds to my goal, but I am having a hard time thinking about upping my calories. Right now I am focusing on eating back all of my fitbit adjustment, but it is hard. I'm so used to eating at a deficit and I am afraid that I will gain when I eat more. That is why I've been reading on the maintenance forums. To get advice about maintaining, not about food choices.