roneil27 Member


  • HI I'm just restarting again to loose weight. I'd like to loose whatever I can by Christmas. 10-15lbs would be nice. Count me in :) My long term goal is loose 40-50lbs before next July when I'm in my friends wedding.
  • Thank you everyone. Sorry about my earlier post with the lack of detail. It seems like during the week I'm fine I walk after dinner at least 2 miles with my husband and only snack on frozen fruit for the most part. During the day when I work from home if I get really bored I do tend to go off track with my eating. It is…
  • Thank you so much!! I'm so happy for you!! You look great!! Thank for you the encouraging words :) I could sure use them on my weight loss journey!!
  • Thank you everyone. I truly am taking it one day at time. It has only been a week since it happened. I'm trying to get back to walking every night with my husband and on the weekends we usually try and walk longer. I haven't had coffee since the Saturday after he passed. I use to rely on it daily. I know I was eating my…
  • When I was a teenager I would put lots of cream and sugar. For the past 1-2 years I have just been putting cream (any 35 calorie flavored cream and its good enough). When I go to Starbucks and get it I put sugar in the raw in with cream. Otherwise no sugar.
  • I'm 5'3 and I am a 14 now and those are loose. My size 12 jeans fit okay. I would like to weigh 150 or less and have a size 8 or less jean size. 8 would be nice.
  • Welcome back!! :) I am back again too after off and on dieting. You can add me.