sticking to it

I'm having a lot of trouble. One week I have a good week then a few bad days. I'm walking for 50-60 minutes a night during the week and making healthy meals. I don't think its enough. I even have shakes to try and help with my cravings. I'm about to start a new job soon and change my hours to am hours. I just want to get on track and stick it to and loose 50-60lbs. It seems like everyone else can but me. Please help


  • wllwsmmr
    wllwsmmr Posts: 391 Member
    Hey! Don't overwhelm yourself, how can it not be enough when you've improved from before? Patience and positivity is key!! You want to sustain the weight loss right? Then do it gradually so you can actually sustain it for life and NOT gain them back!!

    It'd be hard to give much advice though since your post is rather vague... What do you mean by a few bad days? What is your current height and weight, and how many calories are you eating?

    Don't stress out, stress releases cortisol which stalls fat loss!!

    Also, if you haven't already, read this:

    Weight loss is not linear. Be patient!!
  • kidtachyon
    kidtachyon Posts: 32 Member
    I agree with wllwsmmr. Patience and positive attitude. This is a long term thing, so slow and steady is the way to go. Anyone can go on a crash diet and lose a bunch of weight fast. But a changed lifestyle (which will include "good" and "bad" days) will give you long term success for sure.

    It may take a while and that's ok!
  • jessetmia
    jessetmia Posts: 19
    It does't happen overnight. I signed up for a new gym (Moved) in November, but never really used it. I made the excuse that I'd be more motivated if I had someone with me I'd go more often. So for months, I would go off and on and was getting frustrated that I had such little progress. For me that frustration was a catalyst. I was tired of looking at myself in the mirror and started forcing myself to go to the gym. After a while, I started looking forward to going to the gym and the feeling I get afterwards. I started noticing that I was feeling better throughout the day and others took notice as well. Once I got to that point, I wanted to work on my diet and here I am. I still have bad days where I totally ruin my diet. It's going to happen. We're human not robots. I promise you if you stick to it, you'll get there. You just have to be stubborn.

    TL;DR - Yeah it's not easy at first, but if you stick with it, you will want to do it.
  • I have a few ways of making myself "stick to it"........ they work for me,keep me motivated. maybe you should find your own special method of motivation....
  • turryandsally
    turryandsally Posts: 28 Member
    You can do this. Believe in yourself & set small goals. It IS really difficult when we see others that are losing weight, and it may seem easy or fast for them. HOWEVER, if they are starving themselves & the weight is coming off too quickly, it will come back on! Eat healthy as a lifestyle change - you're doing great with a daily walk! Hang in there!
  • roneil27
    roneil27 Posts: 10 Member
    Thank you everyone. Sorry about my earlier post with the lack of detail. It seems like during the week I'm fine I walk after dinner at least 2 miles with my husband and only snack on frozen fruit for the most part. During the day when I work from home if I get really bored I do tend to go off track with my eating. It is really slow so I know I'm eating because I'm bored or worried about money. I'm going to start a new job soon and then work the one I have at night which will interfere with my exercise. Now that the weather is nice all the time I have no excuse. I'm committed to loosing at least 50-60lbs. How do I get on track and make myself really stick to it? What else can I do to help my body loose more weight? Right now I do a Biggest Loser video in the morning before work and then walk after work. I cant afford to join a gym at this moment. On the weekend is also when we tend to go out to eat and splurge on a nice dinner. I have trouble giving up certain things like chocolate and in some cases Starbucks. Thank you all for your help and suggestions.