marmalade628 Member


  • Didn't loose two pounds this week but lost one. I guess it is one by one for me. But at least it is a loss.
  • Lost a pound since starting a couple of days ago. Hope to loose the 2 lbs. next Tuesday.
  • Haven't weighed yet. Saving that for tomorrow. Got my exercise in and am watching the food intake. The last is the hard part especially at work no less.:bigsmile:
  • Got my exercise in today :happy: and am watching the food amount. Boy is it amazing how fast the calories can build. I am trying to not let my calories to add up with the amount that they say I can have. What goes in can stay if I don't let the exercise get rid of the pounds. Now to get the rest of my water…
  • Woke up with a big headache this morning. Didn't go to church so I had a lie in and try to get rid of the headache. I don't think it is from the diet but from the allergies. Been coughing and sneezing a lot yesterday so that Is what I think I have. Had just a Atkins drink for this morning and am going back to bed. Got to…
  • So far today I have been doing pretty good. I have kept under my calorie total and got in some riding of the bike for 30 min. Didn't get my weight lifting in because the gym was closed for Saturdays now. I forgot that and wished I had gone last night and got it in. Oh well. Just have to get the time in during the week now.…
  • I think along with what I wrote this afternoon I want to include that I want to be kind to myself if I slip up. It is not all over if I slip up. I want to let it run off my back like water and move on and keep working at the tuff task of loosing this weight and getting healthy. I think we all need to remember this. :happy:
  • I'd like to join this thread. I know it is a little late but I am willing to try at least 1 pound by Tuesday and then there after the two.
  • I am new to this challenge and a past member to myfitnesspal. I would like to get back on track again and keep my eating habits more healthy than what I have been doing as of lately. For the past two months I have been exercising by riding a bike for 20 to 30 min. 3x's a week with doing weight lifting 3x's a week too. This…
  • Thanks Amber for your thoughts. They are how I feel also. I just read on the blaze and heard a speech from a pastor that has gotten me fired up. It would like to share the internet url for that if I can, it is:…
  • Exactly how I feel!!!!!! I am 54 years old and even I know that I will never look like the models on the TV that promote these things. I just want to be healthy and able to do things with my family for 20 or more years to come and not have any of the diseases that go along with being over weight. I always mute those…
  • So I lost about a pound from the start of this challenge for this month. At least I lost so I am happy with that. Wish it could of been 5 pounds or more but that is the way it goes. Marmalade6 SW: 246.0 CW: 246.0 GW: 150.0 Weigh in Dates: 9/1 - *** 9/8 - 246.0 9/15- 247.0 9/22- 246.6 9/30- 245.2
  • I weighed in Friday but haven't been able to post until today. I don't remember what I started out with but I know I haven't lost any either. Hope I do better this week. Current weight: 246.6 SW: ?
  • Life expectancy= 85.4 Virtual age= 49.3 Biological= 54
  • I don't think it is rude but kind of weird. My husband will not eat out at all due to his diet. He will want to go with me to a restaurant just because I want to eat out but he will not eat. He has some health issues that he just doesn't want to deal with the unpleasant affects that certain foods cause to his body. I…
  • Got my exercise in this morning. Boy these early mornings are hard to get up at 4:30 a.m. so that I can get to the gym by 5:00 a.m. But when I get there I am good and I feel so much better all day when I get the exercise done. It's just getting up and getting ready to go. :smile:
  • Lightest:149 (1998) Highest: 262 (2011) Current: 246.4 Goal: 140-150 lbs. I am 5'6" and 54 years old.:wink:
  • This looks yummy! I will try it tomorrow for breakfast. Thanks!
  • Number 262 lbs. My highest number ever.
  • FOOOOOOOD!!!!!! and of course diet coke!!
  • Weigh in: 246.6 Lost what I had gained last week. Now where near the goal of 5 pounds for the month of Sept. Still trying though and will see.
  • CW: 246.6:smile: I am slowly changing things in my life. Not because I want to cause I am totally addicted to food, but because I do not want to end up like my parents with health problems that are caused from their poor eating habits. This is a slow process but one that I hope to continue as I change my snack habits to…
  • Unfortunately I think that it will get worse before it gets better. And it will get even worse if our current president gets back in. If we have any more mess ups like has been in the press, Mitt might not get in. Of course I know that the main stream media paints a black picture when there isn't one but it doesn't help…
  • Amazing!! Congratulations. I have a 100 to lose and would love to accomplish this like you. I am impressed. Marmalade628
  • I have been on the fence between a republican and an independent for the past couple of years. I voted for McCain in 08 although I had to hold my nose doing so. I am excited to have Romney as our candidate although I know some people are not. I know that he is a good man, a man that I know believes in Jesus our Lord, and…
  • Didn't loose anything this week but what I had gained. I went up 3 lbs. during the week and then lost 2 lbs. of that. So I am showing a gain of 1 lb. Better than 3 though, right? I guess I need to lower my total calories cause it didn't work at the first of the week. I lowered it 200 calories and then lost 2 of the 3 that…
  • Hi everyone! Today's weigh in is no loss but one lb gain from last weigh in. I had gained 3 and lost 2 of what I had gained through the week. So I am at 247 lbs. as of this morning. CW: 247 GW: 200 (by Christmas) a miracle I know if this happens. UGW: 150 (ultimate goal)
  • Great job!! What plan are you following? I don't seem to be going down much. In fact the scale went up. I thought what is going on here? Only thing I can think is that the amount of food is the culprit. I know I should realize that and that all bodies are built differently but I am getting real tired of being hungry all…
  • Well today I did better in my choices. Not perfect but better. I got my exercise in and that helped even more. :smile: One thing about this site it really lets you know why you are gaining and not loosing the weight. It has opened my eyes to the amount of food that I have been eating and the kinds of foods that are just…
  • Hey I'd like to join this Challenge too! I would like to loose 20 lbs. by the end of December 2012. CW: 246.0 lbs. GW: 226.0 lbs. Totally doable if I can keep my calories at a good level.