inspirationalmom32 Member


  • I know that everyone has different needs with certain issuses...I don't want anyone to follow me if thats not right for them.
  • I don't think that eveery one is listening to what I'm saying.I'm not telling anyone to do anything.I'm only showing what has worked for me.I'm not encouraging anyone to do what I'm doing.My moto is do what works for you and stick with it.
  • I'm not saying that anyone should do that.I'm saying that thats what worked for me.I also say in this that none should do things because thats what someone else is doing.I say do what works for you and stick with it.Not what works for one person will work for you and you should talk to your doctor first,
  • I am so exstatic I have lost a tottal of 88 pounds..I have went from 256 to 168 pounds.I have 48 pounds to go to get to my goal weight.I have been following some tips that I call my own and they have been working very well.I can't hardly wait to get to the finish line.
  • I am so happy I want to cry I am under 200 pounds.....I am now officially 198 pounds as of today...I have 78 more pounds to go and I'm going for it and nothing is gonna stop me.
  • I have been counting my calories and eating what I want and not depriving my self.I eat alot of protein and fiber to keep my blood sugar from dropping.I atay lightly active so that means I don't push my self I do things at my own pace.I cut out late night eating I don't get carried away with the snacks that are sugary and…
  • Hi I htought that I would try to give you a little positive encouragement...I was having those fears also but you can do it.It takes alot of disiplin but its not impossible.Everyone neens at least 2000 caloies a day to maintain thier weight,3500 to gain a pound of fat and to lose 1 to 2 pounds a week you need to decrease…
  • Hi well I have a few suggestions.....The more active you are the more calories you need to put in because your body needs fuel to burn.You need to try to eat things that are higher in protein and lower in carbs.Try adding more fiber to your diet because that helps to boost your weight loss by burning fat.Drink more water…
  • Hi I saw your post and thought that I would try to lend a helping hand.I know that the morev active you are the more calories you need to put in your body so don't set limits for your self.If you are lifting weights alot your not gonna notice alot of weight loss what your gonna notice is muscle tone.Muscle weighs more than…