

  • Oh sorry i thought my profile was open, I m 5 8 and I was 185 now im 179, I was aiming for 1500 always work out about 2-3 hours a day ( I was working at a gym) Just goes to show that just because you work at a gym doesnt mean you know squat lol.
  • I think maybe you need to read things before you start spouting things of sir, your almost as bad as the guy with the list of people he talked to. If you actually read it you would see she posted this because she asked because she was seeing so much conflicting information on here! Maybe you dont know what forums are for…
  • This made me laugh. You are such a badass (sarcasm) [/quote] Okay? I don't proclaim to be a badass or even exceptionally knowledgeable. I'm just sick of misinformation being spread all over the place and if I can make one impressionable young person stop and think when they read some of this crap, it's worth pissing every…
  • Thank you for posting this. I think everyone needs to back off and quit shouting off what they think they know because you looked it up on the internet or your weight lifting buddies told you its the best. At least she took the time to ask someone and not just spout of information she has heard from various internet sights…
  • Cardio max does weights, and then there is a weight toning video that follows thats 25 minutes long:)
  • Hey! I cant answer your question however i just posted on another post about possibly starting it to get my weightloss journey started, it seems easy to stick to with the slim fast the snack then the slim fast snack and dinner...It seems as though you wouldnt be hungry. Im intrested to see what everyone else says:)
  • Happy Birthday Whitney! Im wondering has anyone tried slim fast to get a kick start, my mom has some left that she doesnt like and i thought it would be a good kick start, especially since i have trouble eating in the morning and tend to wait until like noon then just eat a ton. Anyone have any experience? (i know its not…
  • Thanks Polly! Maybe i will try that with the cheat meal, Ive never had a problem with bingeing or overeating until i started having all this time on my hands and sooo much stress, its like an endless cycle. But im ready for a change! Im hoping that if i get a good enough diet plan going and get enough food i wont feel like…
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