Its my bday, all i want is some advice!!!:)

Hey all! its my first day i figured a new year started for some new goals! Ive been on a battle with my weight the last few months/' ive but on 20lbs and am feeling gross, i want to lose it and i want to lose it the right way for once in my life! (no quick results...i want results that stay) Basically i do great for a couple weeks eating in a calorie goal and drop some weight then i binge...then the cycle starts again. Has any one experianced this? and whats a good diet plan..Im a little ocd and i need a schedule to succeed i need routine and picking what i eat aas long as its in my goal does NOT work for me...any suggestions? I want to feel good again! i want to put on my clothes and feel happy going out!

ps- i used to work 40 plys hours a week and was super in the middle of a move from new jersey to california and am stuck in the middle at my parents house while i wait for my house to be ready...and their are sooo many tempting foods im not used to having and i cant work! Im bored:) if anyone has any suggestions i really need a plan and to be held accountable


  • Polly758
    Polly758 Posts: 623 Member
    Happy birthday :)

    I can't give you a meal plan but I am sure you can find something at the library or in a magazine or website. Or what if you create your own meal plan? Takes a bit of initial planning but hey, that's free, and it sounds like you've got the time :)

    Also, if you can go two weeks on a diet, then binge, perhaps you ought to include it in your plan. Schedule a weekly "free meal" or heck, even a binge-- as long as you track it. Then eat a bit less the next day and go back to the regular program. It won't make a big difference.
  • phoenixjane1
    Thanks Polly!
    Maybe i will try that with the cheat meal, Ive never had a problem with bingeing or overeating until i started having all this time on my hands and sooo much stress, its like an endless cycle. But im ready for a change! Im hoping that if i get a good enough diet plan going and get enough food i wont feel like bingeing:/ thanks for the reply!
  • WhitneyOrtiz
    HappyBirthday! It's mine as well !!! :D
  • CourtneyWiss
    I know what its like..Ive been out of work for a couple months too and it has been a terrible thing for my weight loss. I do the same thing... I cant say i have any advice for you but maybe we can help each other out...ive done great and then huge binge! Im trying to figure out a diet that works for me and keeps me full and not wanting to binge! Happy Birthday!
  • zaph0d
    zaph0d Posts: 1,172 Member
    Often the cause of binging is too much restriction. Don't overdo it. Go with an approach you can sustain forever.
  • capnrus789
    capnrus789 Posts: 2,736 Member
    Best tip I ever heard is to NEVER think of it as a diet. I don't even like the word "journey." A journey implies an end, and theres is no end here until you're dead. I think of it as a change of lifestyle. For example, after dinner I used to just watch some TV until bedtime. Now, I watch for an hour, then go workout for an hour. It's a habit now, a complete LIFESTYLE CHANGE. Not a diet, not a journey, but a change.

    Cheating is fine, just try to limit it to one meal a week. Or a couple of beers and nachos during the football game. Don't make it an all day event.

    And lastly....HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
  • phoenixjane1
    Happy Birthday Whitney!
    Im wondering has anyone tried slim fast to get a kick start, my mom has some left that she doesnt like and i thought it would be a good kick start, especially since i have trouble eating in the morning and tend to wait until like noon then just eat a ton. Anyone have any experience? (i know its not a forever thing) but i was thinking if i could get myself out of the just wanting to eat and eating more frequently... They are the low carb high protein ones?
  • Eleisabelle
    If stress gets you, set up a plan: when you start feeling that hunger pang, give yourself a half-hour before you allow yourself to give in. During that half-hour, assess whether what you're feeling is really hunger or stress:

    1) Before anything else, drink a full glass of water.
    2) Wait 15 minutes; if you're still feeling hungry after the water, then think through your stress level. What are you doing that could be causing an emotional craving rather than a real physical hunger?
    3) Find something to do that will take your mind off the stress--a hobby, or if you're already doing something switch tasks for a little while, or, my favorite combination: write in a journal to get your feelings out, and then stand up and stretch and take a 10-15 minute walk.

    After that, if you determine that you're really hungry and not just craving, eat a pre-made, filling SMALL snack like some peanuts or a piece of string cheese and remind yourself that eating food your body doesn't need will make you feel worse, not better.

    Happy birthday. You can do it!
  • Eleisabelle
    Happy Birthday Whitney!
    Im wondering has anyone tried slim fast to get a kick start, my mom has some left that she doesnt like and i thought it would be a good kick start, especially since i have trouble eating in the morning and tend to wait until like noon then just eat a ton. Anyone have any experience? (i know its not a forever thing) but i was thinking if i could get myself out of the just wanting to eat and eating more frequently... They are the low carb high protein ones?

    These have never worked for me. They don't fill me up, and the sweetness of them ends up making me crave more sweet, so I end up eating sugar. Instead, look for a healthy, vitamin-packed protein shake or just eat healthy, filling breakfast snacks like Greek yogurt, string cheese, or a tablespoon of peanut butter on toast. Two tablespoons of dark chocolate chips on a single toasted waffle with fresh blueberries (no butter or syrup!) can be a great breakfast treat, and it doesn't break the calorie bank either.
  • healthybandmom
    Happy Birthday! I've found that nuts (handful of almonds or walnuts), 1/2 oz of cheese, 1/2 cup of grapes, or a non-fat Greek Yogurt are good hunger-busters for me. Keeping a variety of those kinds of snacks around will usually help me avoid my hubby's chocolate donuts. :-)