chuckles9189 Member


  • Same same same. Feel free to add me!
  • i'm in. I actually made it through the super bowl sans alcohol! add me if you'd like :)
  • Anyone can add me as a friend :) Name: Chelsea Age: 25 Height: 5'6" Start weight (1st Feb):169 Goal weight (1st March):165 Weigh ins: 1st Feb:169 8th Feb: 15th Feb: 22nd Feb: 1st March: Weight loss/gain this week: Weight loss/gain so far this month: Struggles/successes this week: I will not have alcohol and hit all my…
  • I have a FItbit one. I use my hands too much on a daily basis to wear something around my wrist. Mostly it motivates me to move, but as far as tracking my TDEE most of my exercise is weightlifting so my numbers don't add up to my weightloss. I weigh and track pretty diligently. When I don't exercise, or just do…
  • I haven't commented on a post in a while. But your legs and butt look amazing!!! Good work! I did the Starting strength workout after NROLFW and I am in love. So awesome! Stronglifts is similar (rumor has he copied mark? I don't care or know) but I would recommend it. Congrats on the wedding! :)
  • my favorite is to roast then with apples or pears (in a little olive oil). When I'm really feelin awesome i'll put some bacon in there too. yum.
  • I have 7 bridesmaids (my fiance has wayyyy too many friends). However, this has been one of my favorite parts of wedding planning! I got a robe from 2 of my bridesmaids at my bridal shower to get ready in. I swore at the very beginning I was NOT going to buy my bridesmaids robes or anything cheesy. But, I didn't want to…
  • Even is you ask nicely-- the people who want to be on their phones will be whether you say something or not. I think you'll just add stress to your day by asking people to get off their phones, because then you'll be upset if they're on them--- they are ignoring your request. Versus, not asking, then they aren't…
  • YAY! GOOD FOR YOU! March 19th will be 7 months for me! IT TOTALLY SUCKS *kitten*!!!!!!! Some days I will be hit with a brick wall of needing a cigarette... I'll have these really intense dreams about smoking and wake up and think that I've actually had one! However, I feel SO MUCH BETTER. Cigarettes used to be my "reward"…
  • someone else will chime in with MUCH better advice...but if it were me.. I would invest in a pedometer. Especially since your main exercise is cardio with a side of strength training. I have a fitbit and I notice that the calories burned on an elliptical between my fitbit and HRM are almost the same (3-7 calorie…
  • today is day 80 without a cigarette. even though I had a dream about one last night...
  • I feel the same way! My lifts started stalling because I was eating at a deficit. But I'm still about 20 lbs overweight and couldn't mentally wrap my head around eating at maintenance. I have my calories set to net just above BMR (which, for me is about 1550-- cals set at 1600). I eat back at LEAST 3/4 of my exercise…
  • I can't comment on everything. But your progress is amazing! And yayyyy for finishing your program! Keep up the awesome work, you inspire me!!!!
  • I totally understand the psyche thing. When I first upped my calories I changed them 6times a day for the first 2 weeks. I must have run my numbers at least a million times.
  • I could have written this post. With lifting/spinning/ yoga. Not losing. not gaining. not sure. anxiously watching.
  • This post just made me redo lots of things. and I'm glad for it. Haybales you are totally awesome. If I knew you, I would send you cookies. or well-balanced meal since, you know, it's MFP.
  • Can't answer the lifting question because I'm still struggling with that myself! However, I had to leave a comment about the hair! I've had more compliments on my hair than my weightloss!! Haha I even took a pregnancy test because I woke up and my hair felt so thick!
  • Height: 5'7" Weight: 163 +/- 2 Pants:10 (can only be worn once before they get too big) Shirt: medium Dress: 8
  • thank you thank you for a reply! do you mean longer if at a deficit for muscle building and body recomp? as in I will lose less than a pound of fat a month with recomp at a deficit? It feels that way since my weight is the same. I've been at the same weight now (actually up from when I first started lifitng). I'm fairly…
  • I just started spin class last week! So awesome! definitely check it out!
  • It's slow. I'm also up about 7 pounds but my pants are still fitting, so that has to be a good sign right? It's hard to go by the scale. I agree with athenalove-- pictures and measurements! Also, wearing a HRM all day is not a good idea. They are designed to track steady state cardio. So unless you think your day is filled…
  • @phizzylizzy I always feel a little silly doing those. I also feel like I do NOT look how she does in the book. It seems as though my elbows are sticking out WAY more. No matter what the weight. I never feel like I have proper form, but at the same time I don't know how I could do it any differently.
  • I log 30 minutes for 300 calories. That was the difference in calories the book gave me for lifting/non-lifting days. So that's what I go by. I have my numbers set just above my BMR so that I eat back and fitbit/ exercise calories.
  • @runzalot--- I feel similar. Especially because the only way to do back extensions in my gym is to use the machine, which I hate and never feel anything. I feel like the workouts in the last two stages are very uneven. Like in stage 2-- why was the HIIT after workout B when I could barely make it up the stairs after…
  • okay-- never mind to everyone. I found the spreadsheet with a fitbit adjustment (how cool! thanks haybales!!!) Based on that I should be NETTING 1655. So I can set it to that and eat back calories. Cool. SORRY!. I've got it all figured out.
  • I have the weirdest love/hate relationship with YWTLs by the last set I tell myself I'm only going to do 2 reps because my arms are on fire (the T is the worst) but I always do 6. They burn so gooD! after a little hiatus from being out of town i finished 3b2 today. 4 workouts til stage 4.
  • That's true. Those overhead squats are just soooo awkward. My shoulders must not be flexible at all. They are SO hard for me
  • hmmm. I guess I kept my hands level with the same weight and that the weight should be off set on the overhead squat. which totally sucks. but I'll check the book. I finished 3A2 today and 3B1 Monday. True confession--instead of the BWM I ran on a treadmill for 15 minutes post workout. THat was exhausting!
  • hahahah this is totally me!!! I'm so glad I'm not the only one!!! leftover chinese food? pizza? Doesn't count. it's cold. But only with foods that are previously cooked. cereal and yogurt I don't feel that way about.