Cowboss1 Member


  • Congratulations! You have arrived!!! I can see that you are NOW in a place to take charge of your life! Its up to you, and you can do it! You sound just like me before I lost the weight. In tears, right after the Holidays, I mindlessly signed up to Weight Watchers. That was over two years ago, and I love the transformation…
  • OMG!!!! YAYYYYYYY!!!!!!! Got the ingredients listed in my recipe builder, and it says if you eat them all its only 130 calories (conservatively) it might be less if you buy the right kind of unflavored gelatin. SWEET! :bigsmile:
  • Yes, yes, me too! At my heaviest I was 185 and I hated myself, was SO depressed that I had become one of those "fat people". I was ashamed. But I stuck with it and lost most of it through Weight Watchers. Mostly what I learned there, was to find support and the online friends I made helped me the most. Online worked for…
  • I know! I really need to get a life.... I joined up with Calorie Count last year. Not really fond of their tracker, so joined WWs. But I still get their news letter which has loads of good info and tips. I also get Hungry Girls newsletter. Lots of great recipes there.
  • Counting points, always made me a little nervous when I first started WW. But I do see how it creates a new way to look at what your consuming. I've been a calories counter for years so am glad to be back in familiar territory.
  • YAY!!!! Betsy's here too!!!!!!!!
  • I don't want to rail on WW too much here, but I have to say I love the features on this site MUCH better. It runs like a community site should. You should be able to see a response from one of your friends if they post from their side. I was not fond of running all over the WW site to see if there was a response to…
  • Yes, and turn off the email notifications too! Wow that was a lot!!! MY HOME > Settings > Change email address/email preferences
  • ...mmm...did someone say candy.......mmmmm!
  • Oh, also I noticed there is no way to delete a Discussion. So use caution. I really hate that Stewy is Reining her motorcycle, not RIDING it!
  • Okay, I'm thinking that we all need to look at our settings and turn off some of the notifications. It's acting like Facebook and announcing everything. This is what I did, but choose your own preferences: Go to: MY HOME > Settings > Automatic News Feed Update Settings Uncheck anything you don't want others to see. Like if…
  • I say we make the Group private. Then maybe we won't get so overwhelmed with all the discussions and such. Plus keep weirdos at bay. LOL Gail about getting hit on right when you Figure out how to post a photo. Hhhahaa!
  • Elizabeth, I'm tracking my fruit and veggies, but am sort of canceling them out in my mind. WW was so smart about creating a point system where you didn't have to tracfreshen. It almost forces you to go there first, instead of grabbing for the fatty carbs. For lunch I had PB2 with a banana and a nectarine. Also, just…
  • We're getting some takers for sure. Linda just joined too. Can you see my friends?
  • Oh, I am SO in trouble!!!! Camilla you look great!!!!! :love: HOLY MOLY GAIL!!! Where'd you find THAT Cabana Boy??!!!! Wowowowwwoseers again! :love: :love: :love:
  • I meant RIDING a Harley....thanks iPad! No way to edit the heading of a topic I guess...oops!
  • Off to the studio!
  • Gail I was allotted 1200 points too. WW? Not sure what the calories to point rules were. I figured it at about 45 to be on the safe side. Also, I'm still looking at any fruit or veggie as ZERO. That way it encourages me to reach for those instead. WW was engenious coming up with that. It really gets a person on the road to…
  • Morning!!! It looks like a person still has to post to the group "online". It doesn't work coming through the mobile app. Not a problem, I just bookmarked the group on my browsers tool bar. Easy Peesy! Today's my weigh in and I'm down one. yay!!!