

  • I feel that way with the extra pounds. Also unsure how my stroke would look compared to others.
  • I have cheat days and sick days. Going to limit my cheat days to once every other weekend. However, today was a sick day and through everything out the window. Just have to jump back into tomorrow.
  • Been running for five years. Max miles per week have been 50. Most miles ran at once 25. Right nope 0-30. Stopped running for six months just got in a bad funk. Back into running 40 miles. Trying to reach 60 miles and training for a 50 mile race in May. Run 4 to 5 days.
  • Love it the fresher the better. Can get some unique flavors that way. Also use it to help increase my carbs.
  • I run
  • The way my Ptrainer explained it is the composition of hour body. Keeping it basic because I am in uncharted territory. To be tone have to have a been of cardio and strength training to develop upon lean muscle. Doing this burns fat.
  • Can't remember how they break the HH plan down. However, see nothing wrong with this. You can treat it as a slow recovery run. The other thing is say two miles takes you 14 min.s to complete. Run 9 minutes to warm up. Run 2 minutes fast. 2 minutes slow. 2 minutes fast Light swim workout. Then run a 2 minute warm up. Then…
  • I go to the YMCA. I have been to other gyms and they had good employees and machines. However, the Y fixed their parking problem hands down favorite gym in the area. New machines, TRX equipment, Biggest Looser like competition, Spinning Class, Running club, road races, personal trainers, baby sitters, and triathlon club.…
  • I become too preoccupied on my long runs a lot. Not sure if that means I get bored. Like to see where I can go and find stone place new. Find neat places for pictures like a scavenger hunt. Though I haven't done a 4 or 6 hour run in awhile. Been doing some 3 hour runs. Profile picture is one I took on these runs. When I do…
  • Could be shoes? I do get the crack in the knees if I don't extend and flex them before a run. Except have some unusual habits before a run: take a hot shower or clean the house so I am moving before a run.