

  • keep track of the number of days that you have not smoked. like everyone is saying you can't be a casual smoker. it is so easy to go back to being a regular smoker. you just have to be able to get past the first few weeks. after that it gets easier. don't make the mistake of thinking you can have one. good luck. i stopped…
  • i agree. using the treadmill and using a portable dvd player you can walk longer than you think.
  • i have a similar problem. i do not log what i have on weekends. try to keep in mind what i am eating and not it get out of control. i have been able to lose as long as i am strict the other days.
  • i try to keep under the exercise calories just in case i made a mistake in calculating calories during the day.
  • i try to walk on my treadmill about 45 minutes a night, between 4 - 5 days a week. i know it can be a little boring so i bought a portable dvd player and pop in a movie. or if you have internet connection near where you work out you can go online and watch almost any show you want to. i am into 'lost" and each episode is a…
  • don't weigh yourself everyday. try for just once a week. pick the same day and time each week. if you do go up a little don't worry. you might have slipped a little the previous week. just get back on track and don't let it bother you.
  • if you use caned veggies watch the portion size and calories. some veggies have more calories than others.
  • pick 1 day of the week as your weigh in day. dont get on more than that. keep an eye on exercise level and make sure you eat the amount of calories plus the ones you gained from exercise. drink plenty of water. dont be discouraged if you go up one week. as long as you follow the plan you should be okay. listen to yourself…
  • if you are going to exercise like that everyday you should eat more throughout the day. try to add some protien to your meals, ie. chicken or fish. fruit and veggies are great but should not be the main part of your diet. if you dont eat enough your body will go into starvation mode and you will not lose weight. healthy…
  • i agree. i have many friends who tried adkins, only to put back all the weight they lost. the south beach is much better if you dont want to be bothered counting calories and weighing your food. healthy eating and exercise is the really only wa y to lose and keep off the weight.
    in Atkins Comment by tzvishear January 2010
  • try this site. there you can input the whole recipe enter number of portions and it will calculate calories per portion as well as all nutritional info.
  • when you fill out your profile, you let the program know how much you want to lose. based on that it figures out how many calories after reducing the amount to allow for the weight loss. that is why you should make sure to eat your exercise calories as well. don't wait till bed time to eat all your calories. make sure you…
  • 2 lbs the first week. lose too much and it will come back to haunt you.:yawn:
  • i did this a little while ago. you must be very strict the first 2 weeks. after that it gets a little easier.
  • keep an eye on portion size. have a little of this or that but not a plate piled high. drink water also to help fill yourself up. good luck.
  • just stay within you calories and keep to an exercise program. remember to log all foods and kep a eye on portion sizes. a scale is very helpful and better than just "eyeballing" portion amounts. best of luck.
  • i tried the the south beach diet a while back. the one thing that i did like about it was that during the first 2 weeks you cut out all sugar. the reason for that is to get the cravings out of your body. it is like nicotine. it takes a little while to get out of your system, but once you do you wont have the cravings like…
  • this sounds like a really unhealthy way to diet. you starve yourself one day and binge eat the next day. 500 calories for a whole day is nothing. they also suggest that you exercise - especially on the "up days". i think you will do much better sticking to the MFP plan, which is to eat normally the whole week, just cutting…
  • try having small snacks throughout the day. measure out pretzels into serving size portions and keep those handy. the water will help also. good luck.
  • by losing the weight at a slow and steady pace, it will be easier to keep off in the long run. the idea of this site, as far as i can see is to teach yourself how much to eat, when to eat it, and what you are eating. thats the only way to keep the weight off.
  • the south beach diet as well as all other fad diets don't do what you really need to do to lose and keep off the weight. you need to control portion sizes, keep to a certain calorie profile and exercise. you can eat as many eggs as you like but after you get sick and tired of it you gain the weight right back because you…
  • the south beach diet as well as all other fad diets don't do what you really need to do to lose and keep off the weight. you need to control portion sizes, keep to a certain calorie profile and exercise. you can eat as many eggs as you like but after you get sick and tired of it you gain the weight right back because you…
  • once a week is the way to go. a healthy amount of weight to lose is between 1 - 2 pounds per week. slow and steady is the way to go.
  • get some small boxes of thin pretzel sticks. it will take you a long time to finish the box so your hands will stay busy. each box should be a bout 120 calories.
  • 10 lbs in 11 days is not a rate that you will be able to keep up. on average most doctors will tell you between 1 - 2 lbs per week is a good rate of weight loss. as far as the holidays go, try and change what you cook with to cut down on the calories. for instance, use olive oil instead of regular oil. tastes better and it…
  • plan snacks throughout the day. this way you are eating 6 - 7 smaller meals and will not be starving yourself till the next major meal.
  • don't worry about the holidays. if you keep putting a diet off because of this or that you will never start. good luck.
  • the program figures out how many calories you need to maintain a desired weight. after you say how much you want to lose in how many weeks it calculates how many less calories you should eat in a day. if you exercise you will be burning off calories so in order to keep your body from going to starvation mode and lot lose…
    in new Comment by tzvishear November 2009
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