need some advice....

NewBeginning2010 Posts: 235 Member
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
Well i went to New york for the day.....I did well with my calories. However I was up for 30 hours straight as I live in vegas and it was a day trip. I allowed my self an extra 350 calories since i had no sleep for 30 hrs my body was hungry and i felt i needed it....what is everyones opinion on how I handled that?

Also my sister is angry that I went to see a doctor for my weight and here is why..
She has p.c.o.s whick makes you gain weight and throws off your body and hormones. Her doctor put her on phentermine after months of test. I saw a deifferent doctor and she gave me the medicine very fast but after blood work and an ekg ofcourse.
My sis is telling me when my body gets immune and the medicine doesnt work then what....i dont know what to think the pills are just appetite supressents and seem to be working.

Also she said that shes read several articles and talked to her doctor and everytime shes always heard that anything under 1400 calories is dangerous. Im eating 1240. I cheated and got on the scale this am instead of friday my weigh in day because i did so well in new york i wanted to see....well it went up two pounds.... i was very sad... thats what i get for cheating and getting on the scale. When I told my sister she said my body is holding on to the food because i am not eating enough and once i went over my 1240 it stored it....she told me to try 1400 and see. With weigh in in 2 days i dont know what to do. What is everyones opinion?


  • Kizster
    Kizster Posts: 13
    When you put in your weight, height, and goals into MFP, what did it give you as far as calories to consume per day? I've been using that number and it's working for me. I'd go with that, personally. I think you handled the situation in New York well. 350 calories won't make or break you, since I believe there are 3,500 calories in a pound, and since you'd been up more, you'd have burnt more off.

    And don't listen to the scale. You've messed up your sleep schedule a bit, which can effect your weight, along with the normal fluctuations.

    But I'm confused...did the doctor put you on the same medications as your sister, or a different one?
  • There is definately something to be said about eating too little calories makes your body hold back your fat reserves...especially if you are exercising on top of that. She could very well be right...try increasing the caloric intake to 1400 and see what happens. You see the trainers on the Biggest Loser say the same thing all the time.
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Your body isn't holding on to food, it's probably holding on to water! Especially after that hard drive, your body is probably really stressed, and that will make you retain some weight. You'll be fine.

    I have PCOS, too. The doc always just put me on birth control. Had great skin all through high school! LOL
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    I am getting the vibe that maybe you are doing better than your sister on the weight loss front and she's jealous. Either that or she's doing that sister thing where you criticize everything your sister does just because she's your sister.

    There is absolutely nothing "dangerous" about going below 1400 calories. All the major weight loss programs start at 1200 and their clients aren't all dying or in the hospital. :laugh: If you do any research at all, you'll see that 1200 is a pretty common number thrown as "don't go below unless under a doctor's supervision". There are a few people who say don't go below 1400 but they are well in the minority.
  • linzismith
    linzismith Posts: 139 Member
    here's the big question: are you eating 1240 calories and then exercising on top of that, so that your net consumption is under 1240?

    or is your net 1240 after you account for exercise?

    Basically, you should get at least 1200 calories a day PERIOD. if you exercise or do a lot of walking around, make sure you eat more. your net calories should not drop below 1200.
  • NewBeginning2010
    NewBeginning2010 Posts: 235 Member
    Linz- I am eating 1240 before any excercise.

    Macmadame- its funny that you say about the jealousy thing because i have often thought that might be it although i dont unerstand why because whe was thin and i was fat and i never did anything to make her feel bad. Or it could definetly be that she is just being a sister and doing what she does best...think everything i do is wrong...

    I have been drinking more water and today i "cheated " and got on the scale again and it still said plus 2! :explode:

    I watched biggest loser last night and it was there week 2 weigh ins and they stated that week 2 is a tough week but im still so frustrated :brokenheart:
  • pannellkat
    pannellkat Posts: 709 Member
    Keep going girl and stay off the scale. Don't let it discourage you, your weight will fluctuate. Don't get on the scale for another week and if you do - don't count it as a weigh in.

    I get on the scale sometimes daily also but I have that one Monday every week as my official weigh in and that is what I count and although on my off weigh in days when I weigh myself, the scale is weigh in day...the scale is always down from the last weigh in day no fail.
  • pick 1 day of the week as your weigh in day. dont get on more than that. keep an eye on exercise level and make sure you eat the amount of calories plus the ones you gained from exercise. drink plenty of water. dont be discouraged if you go up one week. as long as you follow the plan you should be okay. listen to yourself and you will be fine.
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