Always hungry...please help



  • plan snacks throughout the day. this way you are eating 6 - 7 smaller meals and will not be starving yourself till the next major meal.
  • jdtd1967
    jdtd1967 Posts: 44 Member

    Could you give me an example of your healthy meal plan.... I know I can do it....however it's the things I've been eating. I need to learn "what is really good for me" You are an inspiration of what we need...Thanks, for all your help.
  • ali258
    ali258 Posts: 403
    great that must be so liberating not to log food. I checked out the pizza stone but read bad reviews on it. also I'm not crazy about pizz a to make it all that often. but maybe one day.

    Bad reviews on the Pizza Stone? Hmmmmmmmmmmm. Ladies look at my before and after pictures and please tell me how the Pizza Stone (sold throughout the United States of America) can have "bad reviews". Blessings! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:


    I don't think she meant that the pizza stone was unhealthy and would stop you from losing weight. I think she just meant other users didn't like the product for some reason. I have a pizza stone, and I personally never use it. I find it's easier to just use a cookie sheet when I want to make pizza because I don't like the clean up on the pizza stone.

    Great job on the weight loss though, Eva!

  • mika24
    mika24 Posts: 15
    If your GP rules out a medical problem, then I would suggest eating a good breakfast, drinking a glass of water half an hour before each meal, and having lots of healthy snacks ready so you can eat when you want to. Things like carrot sticks in the fridge, lots of fruit, low fat yoghurt's, etc. Also try to savour each bite and do not rush your meals, giving you more time to feel full.

    Good luck with your lifestyle change!
  • jdtd1967
    jdtd1967 Posts: 44 Member

    My GP says I do not have any medical conditions. I know that I'm always done eating and everyone else is still eating.....I do know that I need to sloooow way down and take more time to eat the foods....I believe that could be one of my problems. I could eat dinner and then in about an hour it seems I'm nibbling on something. I know that I 'm trying to drink more water...and more is so hard....I really need to stick with it this time.....Thanks.
  • ali258
    ali258 Posts: 403
    Ok, this is going to sound a little crazy, but it did give me a little boost to help me break some of my bad eating habits. Have you tried hypnosis? I downloaded a weigh loss hypnosis CD on itunes (for about $10) and it actually did help change my thinking. I got Aubrey Nye's Weight Loss Hypnosis. Before you think I'm totally nuts, I'll tell you how my experience was using the CD.

    So, this type of hypnosis doesn't make you a zombie and didn't even put me to sleep. But it did make me feel really relaxed, and the suggestions she uses are just basically the opposite of the kind of thinking that got a lot of us needing to lose weight. Things like - you don't have to clear your plate, starving children are not going to benefit by you finishing all of your food, and you can have whatever food you want but only have a bite or two and savor it - the third bite doesn't taste any better and you've already had the taste. Other than the fact that she sounds a little like a party line operator, I thought it was well worth the $10 even though it didn't make me lose 100 lbs or anything. When I was listening to it every couple of days, it helped me change my way of thinking. When I would reach for food out of habit, one of her little sayings would pop in my head and remind me that I don't need to eat unless I'm hungry. Even though I don't really use the CD much anymore, when I am slipping back into just eating all day long, I will listen to it a few days in a row, and it serves as a reminder to stick to better habits.

    Good luck breaking your habits.

  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    I don't think it's crazy, I've actually been wanting to do smething like that to change my mentality about eating. And you are sooo right, when I was a kid my mom used to force feed me by saying that there are a lot of kids out there who are starving, and up to day I still think about that when eating food. She always made me clean my plate, so I feel soooo guilty now leaving anything to be thrown away.

    I'd really like to change that.
  • 34at35
    34at35 Posts: 318

    My GP says I do not have any medical conditions. I know that I'm always done eating and everyone else is still eating.....I do know that I need to sloooow way down and take more time to eat the foods....I believe that could be one of my problems. I could eat dinner and then in about an hour it seems I'm nibbling on something. I know that I 'm trying to drink more water...and more is so hard....I really need to stick with it this time.....Thanks.

    I had terrible problems with this during my first month on my journey. I had "hunger headaches", nausea & even dry heaves, and was always in a nasty mood. I was a "bear" to be around, to put it mildly. So when I saw my doc after the first month (I had lost 8 lbs but was miserable), I asked him if could prescribe anything to kill my appetite. He prescribed Meridia and the difference has been amazing! I've been on it for almost a year now. He's even going to keep me on it for 6 months after I reach my goal in order to give my Leptin levels (the fullness hormone) time to rebuild to the level needed to maintain my new weight. He says that the body stops producing that hormone when you are losing weight and that's why so many people regain their weight after they stop dieting.

    Its not for everyone and doesn't work for everyone but you may want to ask about it. It has sure worked for me!
  • April0815
    April0815 Posts: 780 Member
    Nolachick what part of New Orleans do you live?
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    I live by the lakefront but my bf is from Marrero :smile:
  • April0815
    April0815 Posts: 780 Member
    What's her/his name?
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