

  • Just listen to your body's cues and only eat when you are hungry and stop eating when you feel full. Just be conscious that you are not eating junk and only putting good food into you. It's a simple approach :)
  • I'm with you on this! I was drinking so much throughout the summer, and once I stopped in the last few weeks i've realized that I've gotten so much more accomplished, and never feeling hungover the next morning is a way better way to start the day.
  • Ugh I know EXACTLY how you feel. Ever since i've been back on track it's all I can think about. My problem lately is that I feel like I've been hiding from making plans with friends, going out, etc, to avoid being around temptations. I love this lifestyle but sometime it takes a toll on my mental being!
  • Yes definitely see a difference!! That's the best feeling aint it? :bigsmile:
  • I think they are definitely worth the try! When quitting cigarettes, there are a lot of alternatives out there. You just have to try and find what works best for you. I know people who have had success using the e cigarettes. Since they are not FDA approved, you just have to do some of your own research and decide if you…
  • This happened for me, and i realized the only way to really get it off is switching up your exercise. Do exercise that your body is not used to and make it work harder than it ever has. Try some HIIT if you don't already do it! Gotta get down and dirty to lose those last pounds! :)
  • Well said! I'm currently in training for my first half marathon and the challenge is amazing. It's the best feeling during a run when you totally think you need to stop because you feel like you want to die, and then you just push yourself a little harder and realize how truly strong you are and what the human body is…