Healthy Smoking?!

Do you think E Cigarettes are a healthy alternative to smoking?! I have been considering trying and anyone have opinions? I am an active person and smoking doesn't fit the lifestyle I am trying to live, but I can not quit cold turkey!


  • shannonkellyy
    I think they are definitely worth the try! When quitting cigarettes, there are a lot of alternatives out there. You just have to try and find what works best for you. I know people who have had success using the e cigarettes. Since they are not FDA approved, you just have to do some of your own research and decide if you are willing to smoke them even though all of the negative effects are not fully known about yet. It may help in the way that you still get the effect of 'smoking a cigarette' with not all the nasty tar and whatever else is in there. Good luck quitting :drinker:
  • missiontofitness
    missiontofitness Posts: 4,074 Member
    I thought I couldn't quit cold turkey, but I did! Just have to harness the same willpower you did to start your lifestyle change. :)
    I personally don't like the e-cigarettes. My friend bought one when he tried to quit, and he went back to regular cigarettes every time because it didn't give him the same effect as real ones. Not to mention, it's still expensive to keep up with the cartridges! If you can find a cheaper alternative that doesn't mimic smoking (or still cost money out of pocket to maintain like e-cigs), you'll be far better off!
  • Earthgirl51
    Earthgirl51 Posts: 73 Member
    I have been quit less than a year. I smoked for almost 30 years. That hurts to say...ouch. I used an ecigarette on and off for the last year of my smoking life. I have to say that they help tremendously. You do have to be careful though. It really depends on what kind of e-cig you use. I used white cloud e-cigs. They have prefilled cartridges. The nicotine dose is always the same (per cartridge). They also have a graduated nicotine dose per cartridge TYPE so you can actually get cartridges with NO nicotine. At that point you can use the e-cig as a pacifier. I am not saying this is the only kind to use, just that I used it.
    I asked the cardiologist if e-cigs were better for me and he said that better is relative. They are all bad because you are still getting nicotine which messes with your blood flow (laymans terms). You also have to be concerned about some of them breeding bacteria which can lead to lung infections. Having used them as a tool to quit, I would say it is a step in the right direction. You need to be able to accurately determine how much nicotine you are getting. It is really easy to abuse these and actually get more nicotine than you would from regular cigarettes. Good Luck, I hope you are makes panting during exercise so much easier. LOL. (sorry for the length of the post)
  • natecooper75
    natecooper75 Posts: 72 Member
    E-cigs worked for me. I slowly transitioned through the nicotine levels by using them. Once I got to where I was using the no nicotine version, I was finally able to rationalize that I was really wasting my money. While the nicotine addiction was strong, a lot of my issue was just breaking the habit of the smoking routine. Using the no nicotine cartridges for a while helped with that as I was still in the same routine. When my mind finally caught up to my actions, I was able to break from the routine and I have been smoke free since.

    Give it a try. You have nothing to lose. Just find one that you like. Don't let the exotic flavors make it harder. I stuck with tobacco or menthol flavored because I knew the candy flavored once would make we want more.