jkmurphy06 Member


  • My tattoo has very fine detail and is on my stomach/hip, after a 20lb weight loss it did shrink and shift slightly to the right as the skin got tighter, but it didn't lose it's over all shape or any detail. Good luck!
  • This sounds great. Thanks Brit! I recently made a similiar version with chicken, onions, celery, carrots and broth with some poutry spices and garlic. I added whole wheat noodles at the end and had a yummy chicken noodle soup! Keep the ideas coming! :)
  • This is a great book and I personally have had great sucess following its basic guidelines. I eat a little under the calorie goal because I am pretty small. My best friend followed their eating and weight lifting plan and she got amazing abs in the course of two months while we were on college break. I recommend this book…
  • I completely agree with the above poster. I think that no matter what your fitness goals are, wheather you want to lose 2 lbs or 200lbs, you have to completely devote yourself to becoming healthy and making the right decisions. My weight goals were never huge and I was never at the "hatred" point when it came to my body,…
  • I can't tell other people how they should live their lives or what they should or shouldnt eat. What I can say is that its all about priorities and weighing the pros and cons of how I eat and exercise. It took me a year to reach my goal weight, now my friends would consider me skinny (or at least skinnier) and I didnt…
  • Hi, Im 5'4" and started at 133 and am now down to 113-115 depending on the day. I'm not trying to lose anymore weight just gain more muscle and strength. My before and afters are on my profile. :) Good luck everyone.
  • Also to prove the sterotype wrong that 6 pack abs are only acheivable with hormone enhancement I would like to point out my best friend and fellow MFP user Fit_Brit. When we were in college she worked her *kitten* off literally and had the most amazing six pack ever. All of our friends were shocked. Post-college life has…
  • I want a 6 pack for sure. I would love to show up on the beach and impress the hell out of my friends. A flat stomach is an acheivement sure, but starving models have flat stomachs. I think it shows true strength and power to have defined abs. I'd love to prove sterotypes about women wrong, especially us little ones. ( I'm…
  • That sounds good! Kind of reminds me of rice pudding or baked bread pudding; it looks like it would have a custard consistency and the vanilla would probably make it taste yummy. I'm going to try this tomorrow morning, maybe I'll add some dried fruit and thanks to my horrible sweet tooth probably some splenda or truvia…
  • In my family we tend to try different meals each Christmas dinner instead of sticking to the familiar baked ham, mashed potatoes, etc. However we do have one food tradition that I look forward to every year; early Christmas morning before the whole family wakes up I make a pot of coffee and bake a batch of Grands Cinnamon…
  • Oh and I do this too, why feel guilty? The whole purpose of jeans are to be rugged; thats why they were invented! Do you think that the early gold miners and coyboys washed their jeans everyday? Ha. Allthough I do like the feeling of tighter jeans vs. too loose. Popping them in the dryer for a few minutes is almost like…
  • I love eating fresh glazed donuts, Chickfila waffle fries and mini chocolates. They are like my drugs...instant euphoria that turns into regret and an insatiable desire for more. Oh super refined carbs, how I hate to love you. Also I am slightly addicted to Pinterest and find myself browsing the web instead of cleaning my…
  • I went from a size 6/7 in jeans to a 1, 2, or 3 depending on where they come from (I guess I hover around a size 2.) My top size didnt change too much and my dresses were Mediums and now mostly smalls. This is fun to see how everyone has changed, but I agree its hard to gauge because some shops mess with their clothing…
  • Thanks for the help guys! A lot of good advice. I think I will do some reading and join a few groups to learn more. I will probably stick with my group training classes and on the days I don't make it to the gym do some free weights at home. So far I've been pretty good at working opposite muscle groups (bicep and triceps…
  • I love lifting, I just started within the last month, but honestly I think it's hugely underrated among women. You physically cannot "bulk" up without hormone therapy and muscle burns fat even while resting! I'm doing strength training 4-5 days a week, 3-4 sets of heavier (than what I'm used to) weights at 10-12 reps. I'm…
  • I did the same thing where I started and stopped MFP and my weight was the only thing I properly documented. I wish I had better before pictures. I can't find a single picture of my before bare midrift because I'm pretty sure I burned them all. ;) Just because you didn't document your measurements before doesn't mean that…
  • I like peanut butter and whole wheat toast too. Or I make a protein shake/smoothie with peanut butter banana, almond milk and a little bit of chobani yogurt.
  • I can't figure out how to post pictures. I tried copying the URL and posting it in HTML and no luck. Can anyone help? Thx
  • I'm 5'3" and I have lost about 20lbs and am maintaining around 113-115. My profile picture and my uploaded photos show my progress (can't post pics on iPhone ATM.) good luck everyone!
  • Hi! I'm 5'3" and I lost about 20lbs and am down to my goal weight at 115. I'd never thought I would make it. My Profile picture is the before and after. Good luck! Just remember you can always readjust your goal weight. I usually did every three pounds so my caloric intake wasnt too drastically changed.
  • I want to see my abs! I would love to see the results of all my months hard work. I also would love to be able to do a toe touch; sounds sillly, but I'm the least flexible person ever and I would consider it a huge milestone if I could sit would by feet out straight (not slightly bent like usual) and grab my toes. I'm…
  • For me it's eating more calories and not getting upset when my weight fluxuates. It's hard for me to adjust eating a significantly larger number of calories, but I know that if I go under my calorie goal I risk losing muscle and putting myself into "starvation mode." Also when my weight goes up a couple lbs due to water…
  • I stopped using it about 6 months ago and didn't log anything for a month, my overall sense of health went down and I noticed that I was more down on myself in regards to my weight and fitness. I started using it again and even though tracking calories can be done on my own I think that I really needed the support and…
  • I agree that there is a flaw with MFP in that it encourages or actually bases it's daily nutrition goals on losing weight. I met my target weight a couple wks ago, but I still want to tone up and maintain a healthy body and diet. When I didn't change my goal weight to a lower one it changed my target calorie goal to like…
  • I'm 5'3" and it took me like 3-4months to lose my last 10lbs. I felt so frustrated I almost gave up entirely. Now that I met my goal weight (114lbs) I don't know if I'm concerned about losing more or just toning up my body. I'm still flabby in parts, but working on it. I found that I lost the biggest chunk quickly when I…
  • Hi, This sounds like great motivation. How do I join and is the group closed yet? Someone let me know plz. Thanks!
  • I eat about 1200 calories a day give or take. It used to be hard for me to keep my three meals under the calorie goal, but then I started eating about 5-6 small "meals" a day. I dropped about 4lbs in a short period of time and have kept it off for a couple weeks now. I have a feeling that eating smaller meals has boosted…