

  • I have had the same problem in the past and what I have done is given myself 2 days a week to be my "off" days. Right now I am using Wednesday and Saturday because of my bf's schedule. On those 2 days I eat a healthy, reasonable breakfast and lunch but allow myself a full splurge on dinner. I eat anything that I like and I…
  • Thanks everyone! I have taken notes and will have to check some of this stuff out!
  • That would be great...I was a little intimidated. I have some issues with my knees so some of it was just too much right now. I am going to stick with it but maybe do it only once or twice a week as a boost workout. I do have "On-Demand" and will have to check out the workout stuff. I had forgotten about all of that. :)…
  • I'll have to take a look at that. I have been walking but am interested in what I can do beyond that. Thanks for the info!
  • Great for keeping you accountable!! Good luck!!
    in hi :) Comment by melliz73 May 2010
  • Can I ask...what is the 30 Day Shred?
  • Tried eHarmony and at the same time...mostly to just meet some people since I had just moved to the area...ended up hating eHarmony but met my current BF on match. We were really perfect for each other all the way around but spent the first month or so emailing and then talking on the phone. Our first date sealed…
  • When I made the decision to go Veg it was for a number of reasons but primarily because I manage and work for an animal welfare organization and feel very strongly about the way that animals are treated in factory farms. I did a lot of reading and research and have been happy with my decision but it has been far from easy.…
  • Would love to...relatively new to do you join a group?
  • I am and have been for 5 months! Love it and won't go back but it is still a challenge to eat healthy. It means more cooking and being prepared which I am not always good at and since french fries are veggie I can get caught up in the wrong things. My understanding is that if you eat a true healthy and fresh veggie diet it…
  • Card is on the way...hope it brings him an extra moment of joy! :flowerforyou:
  • I understand the feeling. The important thing is to start fresh and refocused today and move forward. Making major life changes like these are hard...there are bound to be a few stumbles. You are doing great...keep going! :flowerforyou: