A few new threads caused this mini-rant. HELP?

Jovialation Posts: 7,632 Member
I have a problem with being an under-eater all week, then going way over (or i assume I am, because I dont log it) on weekends. I know I shouldnt be doing either of these things, but its a hard habit to break. The last time I tried to lose weight I ended up living off of caffeine and the occasional gas station bit of food (where I worked) and being on my feet at least 8 hours a day. Sure, I lost the weight...but I apparently looked like I was dying.

How can I balance out with the going out to eat on some weekends, holidays, and the urge to under-eat on weekdays?

I absolutely know that if I dont go out with the bf on these weekends Ill end up giving in to cravings during the week and going over probably 3 times a week, but I dont want to undo my whole week! I think I need to start only going out saturdays though, because when I eat "bad" on a sunday I end up too tired monday (and sometimes tuesday) to workout at all.

and there are some days when I wake up with energy, have a small breakfast, spend hours cleaning the house, have no appetite for lunch, then go play ddr and burn a ton of calories, then end up eating a small dinner. Ive had days where I actually broke even! =\

then theres days like today where I wake up late enough that I have to choose whether Im going to log my first meal in breakfast or lunch, decide I dont wanna cook dinner tonight, pre-log a bad-for-me dinner, and sit contemplating what to do about the few calories leftover and whether to work out to "earn" myself some calories.

Sorry, this is a ton of babbling....any advice? Comments?


  • emilyfh
    emilyfh Posts: 291 Member
    If your planning to eat out on the weekend, make plans were your going to eat at ahead of time, then go online for the better food choices at that restraunt. Planning is everything, on Thursday enter your daily food for each day of the weekend and try to stick with it. Planning a head is a big key to staying withing your daily goals.
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    The solution for me was to start logging my weekends. I log every thing every day no matter what. If I forget or can't get to the site I go back and re-enter it as soon as I get a chance. When I do this I see the choices that negate a day of good eating. Now when I go out I have changed the choices I make so I still feel like I'm cheating but I don't damage my week so badly.

    An example is chicken wings. Love em! I found out that I can eat two of them, and totally savor every bit, and then be satisfied. The rest of the dozen are a study of deminishing returns. And to eat the entire dozen sets me back two or three days - and that's just ONE thing! Same with beer. I LOVE beer. But now one beer is enough. If I want to become intoxicated, hard alcohol is a better choice.

    Log a few weekends and see if it helps you.

    Good luck!
  • Jovialation
    Jovialation Posts: 7,632 Member
    thing is, id rather have the cheeseburger and shared appetizer for dinner & not eat much of anything else all day then go out to eat healthy. I realize its a terrible attitude, but I know I need those "treats" to keep myself going throughout the week. I suppose I could pre-log what I want to get no matter what it is and decide how I need to go about un-doing that eating out through the week.
  • Jovialation
    Jovialation Posts: 7,632 Member
    The solution for me was to start logging my weekends. I log every thing every day no matter what. If I forget or can't get to the site I go back and re-enter it as soon as I get a chance. When I do this I see the choices that negate a day of good eating. Now when I go out I have changed the choices I make so I still feel like I'm cheating but I don't damage my week so badly.

    An example is chicken wings. Love em! I found out that I can eat two of them, and totally savor every bit, and then be satisfied. The rest of the dozen are a study of deminishing returns. And to eat the entire dozen sets me back two or three days - and that's just ONE thing! Same with beer. I LOVE beer. But now one beer is enough. If I want to become intoxicated, hard alcohol is a better choice.

    Log a few weekends and see if it helps you.

    Good luck!
    thanks! I think Ill have to start logging and realizing where to stop with at least the appetizers. Luckily my bf will be MORE than glad to eat what I dont when we share something lol.

    I dont like beer, but when I drink I tend to do so until drunk. I dont log my drinks either, but tend to make them with diet sodas these days lol
  • melliz73
    melliz73 Posts: 14
    I have had the same problem in the past and what I have done is given myself 2 days a week to be my "off" days. Right now I am using Wednesday and Saturday because of my bf's schedule. On those 2 days I eat a healthy, reasonable breakfast and lunch but allow myself a full splurge on dinner. I eat anything that I like and I don't feel bad about it because I have done so well all week up until that point and know that I will be back at it the next day. This has woked really well for me because on the other days when I am tempted to slip, I know that there is an end in sight on my off day and it helps keep me focused. I think that giving yourself permission to do this takes off the pressure and the sense of depravation. Another little secret...even on my days off I find myself eating healthier and healthier because that is what I am used to but I know that if I want a large french fry I can have it. I work out 6 days a week, too, so even on one of my off days I am working out which helps me to feel better about it. I think it becomes mind over matter sometimes...which I am not very good at...but this has helped me immensly! I hope it helps you too! Good luck!!