

  • i love bigger guys!!! im 5'11, and a big girl, and my ex was bigger than me, and i couldnt get enough of him!!
  • if youre a nerd for the twilight movies, i guess i am too! "was that your mom voice?" LOL
  • oh, my movie geek is in full overload... clue zoolander dodgeball run ronnie run dude wheres my car be kind rewind mallrats death tunnel darkness falls stick it yeah, and i own each and every one of these...sigh.
  • as i was reading this i was eating a piece of leftover chicken from dinner...thats me tonight. i did good today, but i "think" im hungry. i just ate that, and im wondering what else can i have right now...and im not happy about it. i dont think its a failure, just a tripup. i think we should just man up to what we did, and…
  • you can do it!!! no need to be scared! thats what is so great about this site, no one will put you down, mock you, anything like that. you will get movitation and encouragement like crazy here!! find some before and after pics in the posts, read others stories, it seriously helps to movitate!! and if you ever need an extra…
  • this may be a tricky one... "I have lied about nothing except sexual fidelity."
  • holden mcneil, jay and silent bob strike back. kevin smith is a god lol
  • omg all i can say is WOW!!!! you look fantastic!!!! thank you so very much for putting the pics up!!!
  • and that sentence alone has made me scared to take it now. lol thanks for the input everyone!
  • dear life, is it too much to ask that you dont drop everything on me at once? if you havent noticed, there are 12 months in a year. can we space out the bs to one, maybe two (and thats pushing it) a month? or are we trying to hit a quota of crap before the year is out? amie dear two year old, there is no need to lick the…
  • vegetables are my favorite vegetables lol..the only thing i really dont like are cucmbers. but aspargus, mushrooms, peppers, lettuce, carrots, celery, broccoli, brussel sprouts, cabbage, tomatoes, onions, green beans, corn, get the idea. when i lived alone there were days that i would have a can of veggies for…
  • ive never thought about weightloss as a marathon..but thats the best analogy ive ever heard for it!
  • thanks everyone!! esp you jess, since youre the one who showed me this site!
  • just keep at it!! i didnt notice any weight that came off me for months, till others pointed it out to me. truth be told, i still dont see it all that much, but i can tell a difference in my clothes, and how i feel. it seems you got the right tools, and some really good pointers, so give yourself a time frame, and maybe…
    in :*( Comment by amie1979 November 2010
  • i really didnt even notice it coming off at first, it was everyone else who pointed it out to me lol...although a few weeks ago, i got into a pair of jeans that i havent worn in 7 years (yes, sadly i am one of those people lol...i hold onto everything) and danced around my room like an idiot. granted i had the muffin top…
  • i get that too at times. i use a powder, even my sons baby powder, to keep it dry. mine comes and goes, but its never bled. have you asked your doctor what you should use on it?