allysar Member


  • I just started using a heart rate monitor to determine my burn. I am 5'4" 129 lbs and 49 years old. In the 48 minute Drench PiYo workout I burned 300 calories. Most of the others are around half an hour and I'm burning 160-200 calories
  • I have some friends that do 21 Day fix but I have not so bear with me....can you do the food plan from 21 day fix since it is very structured and the PiYo workouts? I just love them and they have been so effective. I actually look forward to working out. I had a few days off and was back at it today. It was Sweat day and…
  • Why do you feel it would not be accurate? The Drench workout is 48 minutes and I am dripping sweat when I am done. There is jogging and burpees and constant movement. I use my Garmin chest strap HRM and got a 301 calorie burn. I don't eat back my exercise calories anyway but I like knowing for my own information.
  • Good question....I finally got a HRM and for the Drench workout I burned 301 calories. I am 5'4" and 130 lbs and 49 yrs old. I had been logging it as Pilates but it doesn't count the cardio aspect.
  • I absolutely love PiYo! It has really made some amazing changes to my body. I am 5 weeks in and will continue on after the 8 weeks. I finally got a heart rate monitor to see what I am really burning and at 5'4" and 130 lbs and 49 years old after the Drench workout I had burned 301 calories. I feel great afterward but…
  • I agree our metabolism slows a bit. I am 49 and it has gotten harder. But it can be done. I am 17 pounds down now. It is a slower process but ultimately, eat less move more works no matter what. I won't eat light for a few days and drop five pounds like I used to. It takes exercise every day and tracking every bite. You…
    in Age Comment by allysar November 2015
  • Subbing to this, I am pretty much the same position but 49 years old and interested in the same.....
  • I had a rough weekend. Out of town with the boyfriend meant eating out. There was wine! It was fun and I am back on track now. I am sure I gained but am determined not to get on the scale until Friday. Food back in line as of NOW! There will be exercise today as well. Vicky you are inspirational! I finally got a food scale…
  • @vicky1947mfp You are on fire!!! Way to go. I fell off this morning. After three 12 hour night shifts I always feel I need a reward. There was pizza :( Tomorrow is a new day!!!
  • I broke a barrier today with 129. I haven't seen my 120s for about 3 years. Feeling like I can do this.
  • Weekly weigh in SW. 146 CW. 130 GW. 125 I have been good this week but exercising hungrier. Back to work tonight that will keep me busy and eating less!
  • I am losing at a rate about 2 pounds/month now. It is slow going for sure but exactly what you said....for most of us being so close to our goals are all pretty good places. That is why I have started focusing on exercising and making good food choices to reach my macro/nutrition goals as closely as I can. All of those…
  • That is awesome!! You will rock that bikini
  • I put on jeans today that I haven't worn in years! Now that is exciting! Eating well today and another exercise session planned!
  • Yep, for all of us, Halloween is over, get that candy out of the house!! I woke up to 130 on the scale that is one pound down and the lowest I have been in probably 5 years. Super excited. When that second digit is a 2 I will do a happy dance in the bathroom! are rocking this!! You are making continued…
  • Time to refocus. The past 24 hours have not been great for me. Tomorrow is a new day and I will be on track!!
  • Pre-logging and preplanning is the way to go! I didn't have a good breakfast waiting for me yesterday and I stopped and picked up a quick meal that was not in my calorie count, nor did anything to meet my nutritional goals. Even if I don't lose every week, if I stay within my macros/nutritional goals I feel so much better…
  • Starting Weight
  • And because I want this here in print..... I am 5'4" and 49 years old HW 146.6 SW 139 CW 131 GW 125 (I have given up on seeing 117 again! lol)
  • Hi, Steph, I will try to help! I also work full time and am in school full time. I have three kids and am a single mom. Time is my enemy! I need 30 hours every day ;) Wow, 50 pounds gone! That is incredible. I am in awe of your dedication. You are an inspiration to so many. Those kids want you healthy and happy so keep up…
  • I am SO glad I don't have a sweet tooth! This is a horrible time of year to battle that. Definitely enjoy that piece of chocolate but just one or two! You deserve it but log it. I am done with work for the week....this is when it gets tricky. At work I only eat what I packed so it is easy. Being home all day is harder. I…
  • It gets so hard, doesn't it? I am still eating at a deficit but enjoying the continued firming that is happening and the increase in my strength and endurance from my exercise. I am trying to focus on that while being patient with the scale. I am starting to make a game of seeing how close I can get to meeting my macros…
  • It sounds like we are all pretty much on track....We can do this. Stay focused and be kind with yourself. You have worked hard and made such good progress.
  • Wow everyone here is really committed and working hard! I love it. I can't sleep so am getting up to exercise before work. I have pre-planned my food for the next 24 hours so I will stay on track!
  • It is easy for me to say....hard for me to do, too! I am a night shifter so working out in the morning is usually after a 12 hour shift. I do love getting up on a weekend and working out before the kids get up. I feel all accomplished and everything and they are always impressed! Good luck! I am back to work tonight so…
  • My 10 yr old son hugged me and said I was "less squishy"
  • Are you able to get up early and get a workout in before the days' festivities begin? I always feel really accomplished when I get my exercise done while everyone else is still asleep. Then I don't feel as badly if I slack off during the day .
  • Oh, pizza and beer sounds wonderful! Or lasagna and wine. Yum! Enjoy!
  • Okay, so it is Sunday! Current weight 131 Goal weight 125
  • Wow! You are beautiful in all of your photos but you are beautiful and healthier in the current photos! Amazing, what an inspiration