ssalmfp Member


  • I made this one yesterday. It was super good (though I substituted the 4 c. of milk with 3 1/2 c. of milk and 1/2 c. of cream. I ended up using less chicken so the calories actually came out to being less than on the website).
  • There is no way for a site to perfectly predict the number of calories you need to eat each day to get to your goal weight because everyone is different. You burn a different number of calories each day depending on what you are doing and how much you are moving around. You're not going to find something more accurate than…
  • It could be worse. You could weigh less than a lot of people in that thread, but still wear a larger size than them. It's infuriating.
  • Awesome! But never buy your bras from Victoria's Secret. As your story basically illustrates, they will cram anyone in any bra they can sell. Go somewhere like Nordstrom to get a properly fitting bra. Victoria has crazy sizes and they are terrible at fitting. In the past they would try to put me in a 38DD when I'm really a…
  • Water retention is typically due to high amounts of sodium. The body retains water when we eat a lot of sodium in order to maintain the correct ratio in your blood.
  • Are you measuring everything you eat accurately? I mean, with a scale? Or are you just estimating? Now, I don't know about you, but estimating portions is pretty much what got me here in the first place. If you're not using a food scale and measuring cups, you should definitely start. The most likely explanation is that…
  • I'm a little bit taller (5'6) and I started at 163. I am hoping to lose 25-30 lbs. It has been about 6 weeks for me and I've lost 15 lbs. I just want to warn you, don't expect anyone to notice until you're pretty much at your goal weight. Even my boyfriend doesn't really even notice (I think he assumes I'm losing weight…
  • Personally I don't like working out before bed because it takes me at least a couple hours to wind down enough to where I could even consider falling asleep.
  • Right now I'm using Brooks. I have a question for pronators as well. My knee is KILLING me. My left ankle pronates and that's side that's hurting. It hurts right around the medial tibial condyle (which is the bottom of my knee on the side that's towards the middle). I noticed a litle pain on Wednesday, and I ran anyway…
  • I just got mine and I looooove it. The only problem is that it's so damned easy to lose. I lost mine in my room the other day when it fell off my waist and got clipped to a black piece of luggage that basically made it invisible. I flipped the **** out (though, it was 80% PMS crazy, and 20% love of the fitbit crazy).…
    in FitBit Comment by ssalmfp October 2012
  • I like it. I'm just about done with Level 2 now. I've technically done 10 days, but I still take a break during one of the exercises, and I want to be able to do them all, without modification or breaks, before moving on. It will probably take me another two days or so. Since I've started, I've probably lost 7-8lbs and…
  • I only started about 5 weeks ago, so I don't have any pictures yet (I basically still look the same, as far as I'm concerned). I started at 163, and I'm just about at 148 right now, so that's 15lbs in 5 weeks (including one week of vacation where I was pretty bad with food). My initial goal was in the 140's, but after…
  • All three levels are available on youtube, just search for "30 Day Shred Level 1" and then do the same for level 2 and 3. There's only the official video for level 1, but you can find videos for the other levels as well.
  • Try it out and if it works, that's great. If you're not losing the weight you want to lose, lower your calorie count. I like to err on the side of caution, just in case MFP over estimates my calories burned during exercise and underestimates the number of calories I eat.
  • I was getting this also last week. I wasn't eating or drinking a lot immediately before my run, so I couldn't figure out what was wrong. I did a little bit of research and found a solution that works well. My issue was dehydration, so I make sure to drink at least 16oz of water in the hour before I run and I also do some…
  • Oh man, I really needed this thread. It's the first day I've ever gone over my calorie allowance + exercise calories. I have definitely gotten close a couple days in the past, but today i went almost 300 over, and I'm guessing that's it's really more like 500 (I shared a cocktail with someone and didn't log it). I'm on…
  • I started on October 1st, so today was day 1 of level 2. There are aspects of level 2 that are difficult, but overall, I think it was easier for me than the first couple days on level 1. Honestly though, it took me until the last couple days to be able to do all the exercises without stopping at all (though, I can still…
  • I've given up grains and sugar for 3 weeks now, and I plan on going 2 months total. After that, I'm going to slowly reintroduce both back into my diet, but at much lower quantities than before. The fact is, I don't want to go the rest of my life without sugar and grains (I think I would rather be fat), but I'm hoping that…
  • Your low blood pressure is most likely related to dehydration. Make sure you are drinking enough water each day, and you can try increasing your sodium intake. I also have very low blood pressure, so I just try to drink a lot of water and avoid low-sodium versions of foods.
  • Thanks for posting this!
  • I've been hearing that women can gain a few lbs during their periods (or plateau a bit), so it could be that. I was losing a lot of weight and then abruptly stopped when my period hit. I haven't weighed myself since then (I was weighing everyday, and I was starting to get crazy), but I'm hoping it's true.
  • I go every 3-4 days even though the majority of my diet consists of fresh fruit and vegetables. My doctor says that every three days is still within the range of normal, so I don't start worrying until day 5. Honestly, I probably wouldn't call my doctor until day 6 or 7. All these people that are freaking out over 4 measly…
  • I apparently had no concept of portion size until I joined mfp. I think the most important thing for me was learning that I don't need to eat as much as I was eating to feel full. I don't need to be stuffed at the end of every meal. At the end of my meals, yeah I COULD eat more, but I don't need to.
  • Why do you want to get to 105? Do you really think 108 look different from 105? Is it just the number that's important to you? What do you think you will gain in your life by dropping 3lbs? You need to talk to your doctor about this. Not only are you already low for a woman of your height, but your diet and this fixation…
  • Onions - 1/2-1 cup, chopped Garlic - 2 cloves, minced Butter or oil, 1 tbsp Squash - Butternut, 2.5 cup, cubes Apple- 1, small, chopped Chicken Stock, 2 Cup Sautee your onions and garlic in butter or oil until soft. Add butternut squash and apple and cook for a few minutes. Add the stock and let it simmer until everything…
  • Too many smoothie recipes. Blenders are awesome for SOUP. I use an immersion blender for soup, but you can definitely blend with a regular blender, just make sure that you always use the lid, never put boiling soup in it, and don't fill it up all the way, because it will expand, and you don't want soup to explode…
  • I prefer steel cut oats over other kinds of oatmeal. If you're getting bored with the texture of rolled oats, you can try those. You should also try some savory items in your oatmeal. My favorite is green onions and soy sauce. It sounds a little gross, but it's actually very good. If your diet allows, you can also put a…