mbird2132 Member


  • Thanks for the reply. I will do them after all workouts and do a mix of heavyweight and then lightweight to match the heavy/light days I do for my main lifts. Thanks again
  • Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS). When I started lifting again after a year off I was sore for a week or so. What helped me was a foam roller and the next workout using lighter weights and doing the movement slowly kinda like letting the weight stretch my muscles. Hope that makes sense.
  • He must be plugging up the toilet everyday.
  • I'm using All pro's beginner lifting routine on bodybuildingdotcom. I have read that it's easier to follow that program while on a deficit.
  • You are skipping leg day? Shame.
    in Lifting Comment by mbird2132 March 2016
  • This should answer many of your questions. I personally love all pros workout. http://forum.bodybuilding.com/showthread.php?t=151032123 Edit: Good Luck
  • http://forum.bodybuilding.com/showthread.php?t=151032123 That should answer most of your questions. I prefer Allpro’s Simple Beginner Routine. By far the most popular routine on that site.
  • 3/4 of the people make up 75% of the population.
  • At home undies in the AM.. At the Doctor was light weight clothing (because it's hot as balls) with light running sneakers about an hour after I did my home weigh in. Good idea though I should have weighed myself at home with that on to compare. I'm guessing it should not be more than 2 pounds of clothing. So 2 pounds off…
  • Avoid the caffeine as that will dehydrate you. I learned the hard way. I hardly ever drank any water. Then one day I was woken up at 3am with stabbing pain in my lower back. Yep kidney stones in both kidneys. One was too large to pass so they put a tube in my back into my kidney and I spent 2 days in the hospital.…