

  • Thanks for your entry here. I didn't see it before I posted my own inquiry today about how farfetched some of those "Calories Burned" numbers seem to be! So 50 minutes of "Walking, 2.5 mph, leisurely pace" = 200 calories burned, is going to be my estimate from now on!
  • Not yet. If you create a recipe on MFP you have the option to save it for yourself or add it to the MFP web site recipe collection which is "in process": "We are currently accepting submissions to the MyFitnessPal recipe database. Once we receive enough submissions, we'll create a recipe section where users can browse…
  • Thanks for your thoughtful response, Tyree. I'm gonna give MFP another try.
  • So you think that WW is more cumbersome than MFP? I'm considering WW and was trying to decide between doing it solely online or opting for the more expensive plan that includes WW meetings as well as the etools and online access. What do you think? I had minor success with MFP and then got lazy about making/calculating…
  • Sounds great. How many calories, Silver? Is there no index of members' recipes here? I'm new. Thanks.