

  • I have IBS but it has calmed down a lot over the past year or so. When it gets bad, I end up taking dicyclomine (Bentyl). It doesn't really make me feel bloated but I do find that it causes constipation (like you want that, the opposite effect of why you had to take it in the first place). Good luck, I hope you find…
  • I love running in the rain as well, it is one of my most favorite times to run! Well, when it is a refreshing rain at least. Have fun!
  • I forgot to mention that I also bought weighted gloves (1 lb each) at the same time and have been using and enjoying the added bonus they offer. I do think that I'm ready for heavier weights though. I appreciate all of your replies and ideas! Thanks again and best of luck on your health goals!
  • I got the EA Sports Active for Christmas 09. I started the 30 day challenge on it at the beginning of the year, along with getting back on track with MFP calorie counting/eating healthy. I have lost 10 lbs since the beginning. I completed the 30 day challenge today (on medium intensity)! I LOVE LOVE LOVE it! The 30 day…
  • Maybe you are not eating enough. If you walk everywhere you go and such, then you are burning calories there, too. Do you take into account those calories burned? Maybe by pedometer or heart rate monitor? Also, depending on if you are going over your calories on the weekend by consuming alcoholic beverages, I've been told…
  • I started having lower back pain and frequent urination while drinking Crystal Light (Energy and other flavors). All tests came back negative for an UTI or anything else. It has let up since I stopped drinking them so much. I'd be interested to see if anyone else out there has had the same issues.